Chapter 28: Runaway

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It's been three days and it's not the PMS talking because it's been three days and Gyuri still hasn't received a word, not a single word, from his useless brother who takes the position of a CEO to a whole new level of stupidity. And she even traveled all the way back from Canada after halting her runway project just to help Chanyeol. God, the sacrifices she has to make only to find Chanyeol sleeping on his office with his feet on top of the table.

She snaps. "PARK CHANYEOL!"

Chanyeol bolts in shock, almost tumbling down the floor but luckily was able to hold on to the table. He blinks repeatedly until his vision is clear enough to see Gyuri standing in front of his desk, arms and eyebrows crossed. "Hi, Sis."

"Don't Hi Sis me! What's the progress of the investors? You didn't report anything for the past three days! The board is waiting! What's happening?"

"Sis, can you please not yell? What do you want me to do? Baekhee's not even coming to work! Why don't you yell at her?"

"Baekhee's not coming to work? Why? Did you have a fight? Did you do something to her?"

Chanyeol groans in frustration. "Why is it always my fault? Look, this is what I've been trying to tell you. I told you I don't need her help right? Now look at where she is, she's nowhere! She can't do this. She—"

A sudden cough from the door interrupts them and as if on cue, they turn around only to find Baekhee, dressed in a white laced dress with the sleeves reaching up his wrist, matched with black stockings and black boots that reach up to his knees. His hair is curled at the ends with black a ribbon on his head. He looked beautiful—that's Chanyeol's first thought. He has always been. But this time, he looks at him with indifferent feelings. Even though he was reject just three days ago, he couldn't find it himself to blame him because no matter how angry and disappointed he is, just Baekhyun's smile and presence can take them away.

"Oh, Baekhee!" Gyuri greets him happily as Baekhyun walks towards Chanyeol's desk. Realizing the peculiar atmosphere, Gyuri says, "You two must have something to talk about. I'll be outside." Baekhyun nods to Gyuri as she walks away.

Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol however, the giant refuses to look at him. He can't blame him though. Chanyeol probably didn't expect that type of reaction from him when he finally says the words he badly wanted to hear. But the situation is different now. Baekhyun clears his throat and drops two folders on the desk. "I was able to get two investors to sign."

Chanyeol snorts. "You don't come to work for two days then when you finally come, you boast?"

Baekhyun really hates it whenever Chanyeol starts picking a fight. "Did I look like I was boasting?"

"Then why did you have to come here? You could've just faxed these to me. Unless," Chanyeol gives a sly smirk as he leans forward, giving Baekhyun a slight shiver. "You came here for a different reason?"

Baekhyun clenches his fist. He really needs to do better in expressing himself but he feels like this isn't the right time. He drops another folder on Chanyeol's desk, startling the giant. "I-I need you to sign that."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes and scans the papers. "What's this?"

"It's a revised contract. The last investor, Mr. Jung, has no intention of signing the contract back unless there will be some modifications on the shares. So I revised the contract to balance his and yours' interests and shares."

Chanyeol closes the contract. "Okay."

Baekhyun crooks his eyebrows. "Okay?"

Chanyeol nods. "Okay."

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