Chapter 17: Words Hard to Express

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Chanyeol woke up with a painful rib, apparently. He knew he should've just gone out last night when he started dozing off to avoid falling asleep. There was no way you can avoid sleep. The warmth coming from across him feels a bit different so he looked up. What he didn't expect to find was Baekhyun's face leaning so close to his, he can even feel his hot breath. As usual, he couldn't help but smile, like really wide it looked creepy. He slowly sat up and that's when he noticed the band-aids on Baekhyun's fingers and the plushie sitting near him.

It's these unexpected events that make his heart skip a beat and also what makes him fall for Baekhyun even more. Sometimes, he thinks it's not healthy anymore. He stood up and walked towards one of the cabinets near the fridge, making the tiniest sounds as possible, and grabbed the first-aid kit.


Baekhyun woke up and found Chanyeol nowhere, so just leans his head there lazily, and turns to the front lazily and his eyes went wide. His or Chanyeol's or the Rilakkuma plushie was sitting down in front of him with a sticky note on its head. Baekhyun grabbed the plushie to read the note.

Good morning, **princess** sunshine!

Baekhyun giggles. Next to the plushie was the first-aid kit. And of course, another sticky note.

If you injure yourself again, I'm going to be very mad.

I took Jiyoung with me to pick up our costumes for tonight.

We'll be back before noon. <3

Baekhyun felt really light. He forgot how it felt like to have someone worry for you like this. It's still the best feeling in the world. It feels good to know that someone cared, that your presence is important even though you don't feel the same way about yourself. Sometimes, Baekhyun just feels like he has so many issues about himself that he wonders how people can see past that. He wished he can see himself in other people's perspective too. Then maybe, his heart will start opening itself to other people.

Because, sometimes it's too tightly closed, the feelings get too hard to express.


"So, why are you not coming into this party again?" Luhan asked, eyeing Sehun's actions, because first of all there's no valid reason for him to be hanging out with someone much much younger than him in a café just in front of his school. Then again, nobody cares.

"Because we're not invited?"

"I was not invited, you were." Luhan glares. "Sehun."

"Look, I've been going into this party every year. People are not going to die if I don't come tonight," Sehun shrugged. "You get my point?"

"Some girls are going to die," Luhan murmured before eating the cupcake served. "So what are we doing here? If you're not going then shouldn't you be studying? Finish a paper or something? Be a good student?"

"My exam's two weeks from now. And I already finished my paper, duh,"

Luhan dropped the cupcake. "Tell me the truth, who's the poor girl you asked to finish your paper for you?"

"What-I didn't force any girl to-" Sehun looked away. "Fine. I only asked for some help. Only a little! I wrote my paper with all my knowledge okay!"

Luhan sighed in disappointment. "You have to stop doing that. Just because a girl is smart and probably likes you, doesn't mean you can shove your dick on her face and make her do your paper."

"Hey! Watch your words. You're talking to someone younger than you."

"You only noticed that now?" Luhan shook his head.

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