Chapter 21: Retrace I [M]

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Baekhyun was 8 when he first arrived at the Van der Gilt Estate. At first it was weird, stepping into a completely different home and unfamiliar environment. He doesn't talk because he doesn't understand them. He doesn't smile because there is nothing to be happy about. The place was too big for him. The field was too wide. The sky was too high. He felt so small and alone, even with the warmth of his father's hands holding his tiny one as he leads him inside where his new family is waiting. He made sure his pet dog is close to him and doesn't let go of it.

"Alright Baekhyun," His father told him after kneeling down. "They're your new family now,"

There were two boys and one woman. He didn't like them. Why should he?

"Hi! My name's Tristan!"

"Hmp." Baekhyun simple looked away, snobbing the little kid.

The thing is, even as a kid, Tristan is already too tall.

"Wow he doesn't like me," Tristan murmured. "Hurrah,"

Although Baekhyun didn't understand anything that came from Tristan's mouth at the time, he can feel a strong vibe of sarcasm enough to convince him that he's not going to like being there.

Much to Tristan's disappointment though (because in fact, he's got zero interest on the new boy), being the eldest of his brothers, and with his stepmom pregnant, Edward gave the responsibility to look after Baekhyun to him. Ha. As if taking care of Arthur wasn't hard enough. He complied anyway. What's the harm? It's not like he wasn't used to Arthur already. Taking care of another kid would be easy.

Or so he thinks.

One sunny afternoon he was walking down the hallway, looking outside the windows to see the flowers as he does so. This time of the day the mansion is usually quiet since it's Arthur's nap time, however...


...with the new kid, it was inevitable.

He stops when he hears the maids running and yelling after Baekhyun.


Tristan turns to Baekhyun and before the kid can run pass by him, he immediately grabbed his collar on his back and lifted him up the ground. "At least wear some slippers,"

Baekhyun starts struggling then, his tiny arms trying to reach Tristan, but alas, it was to no avail. "LET ME GO!" He yells while pouting angrily.

"Ha ha. No."

"Thank goodness," The maids say in unison as they arrive beside the two kids.

"Why were you chasing him?" Tristan asks, wondering.

"We were going to give him a bath but as soon as we got inside the bathroom, he ran away. He's so fast we couldn't catch up." One of the maid answers while briefly catching her breath. "Sotired. And we still have to give him a bath," The statement was followed by exhausted sighs, giving Tristan a careless idea.

"I'll give him a bath,"

"Eh? Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Tristan nods. "In return, can you look after Arthur for me?"

"Of course sir!" The maids say in unison. "If you encounter problems, don't hesitate to call us, sir."

"I will," Tristan smiles and off the maids go. He grins at Baekhyun and starts walking.

"Put me down!" Baekhyun yells, looking utterly adorable while hanging on Tristan's hand.

"Can't. You're going to run away again."

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