Chapter 18: The Moment I knew

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Baekhyun woke up with a mile headache and a painful nape. And he doesn’t really normally wake up with a mild headache and a painful nape so from the moment he opened his eyes, the whole world started to irritate him. He sat up slowly, brushing his nape, while wondering how he got into Chanyeol’s clothes again. Talking to himself wouldn’t answer the question though. He dropped his feet on the floor and searched for the slippers. When he found them under the bed, he quickly put them on and walked to the door after hearing voices. As soon as he opened the door and the voices became clearer, it occurred to him that Chanyeol’s not alone in the living room and that the person he’s talking to is none other than Zhang Yixing. He amazed himself at how he can still recognize that voice even after three years. Then again, he’s known Yixing for more than that. He slammed the door shut and quickly regretted doing that.

“What’s that?”

“Oh, it’s Baekhee. She must have woken up already,”

“I see. Do you want to call her down?”

Please say no please say no please say no

“Nah. She’ll come down when she wants to.”

Thank you!

Baekhyun sighed in relief. The two continued talking so he took it as a sign to start…escaping. He ran and opened the door in Chanyeol’s balcony. He stared down the ground to see how high it is. He cursed when he noticed the living room’s window under the balcony. So he had no choice but to climb down from the side or else he’ll be seen.

“Alright Baekhyun,” Baekhyun breathed. “You can do this. You like living dangerously, right?” He stretched his arms and hopped lightly. When he felt like he’s ready to climb down, he threw his slippers on the ground first and then pushed himself carefully to the other side of the balcony while holding on tightly on the railings. He tried to avoid looking down even though it wasn’t that high but how the hell is he gonna do that when looking down is the only way of knowing how far he still has to go? Anyway, he needs to be careful and quiet or else his life will definitely end on that moment.

He hasn’t done this before know so he’s not so sure about the outcome.

Anyway, he started climbing down slowly, holding on to whatever he can hold on to every step so he doesn’t land and fall and—

His feet landed on a wet surface and he ended up falling to the bushes with a loud thud and a very painful ‘Aw!’.

“What’s that?”

“I don’t know.” He can hear Chanyeol’s footsteps getting closer to the window so he rolled deeper into the bushes. A pause. “I see nothing. Must be the neighbor’s dog,”


Baekhyun whimpered silently while holding his due to the pain. He slowly sat up. Figuring it would take at least an hour of him lying down before he can fully move around without his hurting, he just started crawling to his house’ back door, the entrance to the laundry room. He crawled and crawled and crawled and snobbed Brad Pitt who was judging him from afar before standing up when he was close to the door and rushed inside, surprising a Luhan who was doing laundry.


“What happened to you?!”

“Shh!” Baekhyun walked to the window. From his view, he can see that Chanyeol was opening the door and that Yixing was walking out. So, Baekhyun ran out of the laundry room, ran back to call Luhan to come, and ran to the living room.

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