Chapter 4: Déjà vu

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After seeing Chanyeol walk away, Baekhyun took this as a sign that the premises are safe. He started crawling—though he doesn't really know why—up to the edge of the counter when suddenly a pair of legs blocked him.

Oh no.

He gulped.


He looked up to see Luhan staring at him worriedly. "What are you doing—" He turned beside him and kicked Baekhyun inside softly.



Baekhyun went back and leaned on the wood.

He saw Doe-eyed smirking at him.

"Luhan, what are you doing there?" Kai asked.

"Oh, hey Kyungsoo," Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun saw Doe-eyed looking up and smiled.

He gasped softly in shock when Doe-eyed stood up. "Hey,"


"I didn't know you work here."

Kai glanced at them both.

"Oh this is just a part-time job." Kyungsoo replied with a shrug.

This crazy bitch can actually speak!

"Well, it's nice to see you here." Chanyeol disclosed when he noticed Kai was already gone. "See you around."

He turned just in time Luhan started walking.

Baekhyun crossed his arms and glared at him. "So you're not mute."

Kyungsoo smiled at him evilly. "Nope."

Baekhyun pursed his lips angrily. "Bitch." He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Look, I don't know what game you're playing at—"

"Well, at least it's obvious it's not hide and seek," Kyungsoo mocked.

Baekhyun clenched his fist to restrain his annoyance. "I don't care. If you have a problem with me fucking say it, bitch." He turned around and walked away, stomping his as loud as his annoyance.

He ended up texting Luhan that he went home first.


The next day, Baekhyun found himself in the hot seat when Luhan started interrogating him inside their dressing room. He avoided Luhan's questions at home until here at the studio and realized he can't actually avoid Luhan forever. Not when they actually live in the same roof.

Not when Luhan washes his clothes.

Not when Luhan cleans the house.

Not when Luhan feeds Brad Pitt.

Not when Luhan does everything inside the house.

Except for cooking.

So he decided to stop running.

"Lulu, I already told you, my tummy felt weird—"

"I wasn't asking about that. I was asking what you were doing behind the counter crawling." Luhan cut him off, enunciating the italics.

"Of course I had to hide, Chanyeol was there!" Baekhyun explained. "And Kai too!"

Luhan realized he's not the only one with a crisis.

And he was thankful Baekhyun had it rougher.


They heard the door open and immediately turned around.

Perfectly Imbalancedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें