Chapter 14: No Sunshine & No City Lights

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The car ride consisted mostly of Chanyeol trying to keep himself awake, Yuan doing those train and airplane imitations, sometimes even reaching his arm outside the window that Baekhyun had to constantly remind him not to do that because it’s dangerous but the kid’s hard-headed and the worst part of all was his random shuffling of the car’s built-in radio, pressing buttons to find a nice channel to listen to, but there’s no channel other than that channel for the oldies where they play oldies songs and oldies instrumental songs and thank god they arrived because if he had to listen to those oldies songs for another hour, he’ll cut his head off and throw it outside to freak any car passing by.  That would’ve been entertaining.

Chanyeol slowly parked his car outside the resort, along with the rest. They sighed. Finally.

“Alright, it’s…” Chanyeol checked his watch.  “12:34 PM. We’ll go grab lunch first then check in the hotel. Does that sound alright?”

Baekhyun and Yuan nodded. Yuan went out of the car first, Chanyeol next after turning the engine off and Baekhyun never because the damn seat belt won’t come off. “Baekhyun, come on,” Chanyeol called.

“Chanyeol, the seat belt,”

Chanyeol bowed down to the level of the window to see what Baekhyun’s up to. “What?”

“The seat belt won’t come off,”

Chanyeol ran to his side immediately to help him with whatever’s the problem. Baekhyun has been constantly pulling and pushing the seatbelt violently that he knows he looks so stupid. Chanyeol caught his hand so he pulled away his. “What’s wrong with this thing…” He murmurs with a groan as he tries to pull each sides of the belt apart, with Baekhyun sticking like glue on the seat because Chanyeol was only a mere centimeter close to him. The approximity was hitching his breath. He couldn’t even move.

Chanyeol moved forward, his hair brushing slightly between Baekhyun’s lips and nose. He smelled of shampoo, of ivory, Baekhyun noticed. He likes Chanyeol’s scent. He looked away. One last loud groan and there was a click. Chanyeol sighed and retreated back up. “There,” He breathed. “Have to get this thing fixed,”

Baekhyun cleared his throat and pushed the seatbelt away from his chest. “Thanks,”

When he was getting off the car, he saw Yuan climbing up a big snowman statue just across them, one of the statues randomly set up at the parking lot. He yelled in instinct. “Yuan! That’s dangerous!” Without even closing the door, he ran towards the statue. “Yuan!”

Yuan glanced at him but ignored him. He kept on climbing up.

Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol for help. “Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol turned after securing his car. “Let him be, he’s a kid,”

“But he’s going to fall!”

“Relax,” Chanyeol crooned. “He won’t fall,”

Baekhyun gasped when Yuan slipped slightly. “That’s it! Yuan, get down here! NOW!”



Chanyeol winced at Baekhyun’s loud shriek. “Alright, alright,” He walked at the foot of the statue. “Yuan! Come on, kid,” He lifted his arms. “It’s dangerous. Come on. Jump. I’ll catch you.”

Yuan pouted and hesitated for a bit but seeing that worried expression on Baekhyun’s face, he didn’t have any choice. He pushed his body away and fell on Chanyeol’s arms with a loud thud that he felt like he hit something. It was probably nothing. “Good boy,” Chanyeol murmured and coughed. “Come on, say sorry to Baekhyun hyung,” He whispered to the boy.

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