Chapter 10: Pretty Little Liars

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Waking up with the birds singing was music to his ears. But waking up with birds singing and continuous jamming of the hammer from the opposite side of the wall was annoying to the extent that he can punch the wall right into Luhan's face.

That bastard is obviously doing this on purpose.

He hopped off from the bed.

He is obviously not in the mood today. Baekhyun wasn't sure if it was the huge amount of anger he released last night or his lack of sleep because of finishing the work Jessica gave him. Whatever it is, an image of Luhan's face just annoys the hell out of him.

So he grabbed his laptop, plugged the speakers' wire into its port, picked out a music—more like noise for Luhan—and turned the volume into full. He smirked. Attack Attack's Smokahontas (multimedia) is perfect for a morning lullaby. He always knew of Luhan's hatred for rock music and this is the perfect opportunity to test it out.

Just a few seconds after the music started, he heard the jamming stop.


Baekhyun lied back down on his bed. "SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU FROM ALL THIS AWESOMNESS."

He heard the jamming grew louder and faster. There was even a sound of a chainsaw at one point. But who cares anyway.

Baekhyun: 1

Luhan: 0


Chanyeol almost spitted his coffee out when he heard rock music blasting from his neighbor followed by a series of profanities intended either to the source or the music itself. Maybe even both. He was thinking it was the end of the world.

He paused. "Was that a chainsaw?"

He turned to the window and saw that the house was still in once piece. Either it looked peaceful outside or it was just waiting for the right time to explode. Baekhyun and Luhan sure fight like it's the end of the world. The worst enemy you can ever have is actually your own best friend. It's scary.


So in the end, even Baekhyun got irritated with the music so he turned it off. Luhan seemed to have grown quieter too. When he heard the shower switch on, he took this opportunity to go downstairs and grab some breakfast. While preparing his pancakes, he took the liberty to check on their phone's messages.


"Baekhyun? This is Hyomin. Jessica asked if you ordered the figurines she asked you to. It will be used for Yunho's party tonight. Reply ASAP."



"Oh and it was written on a post-it on the first box Jessica gave you."

He turned to the boxes sprawled on te floor neard the couch and grimaced when he found the baby blue post-its with words that said 'Order Angel Figurines good for 600 people'.




He was panicking okay.

He's educated and well-informed enough to know that it's not easy to gather 600 figurines in a span of hours. They need days. And even if he was able to order those today, they wouldn't be able to deliver them tonight. He should've done this yesterday but then again nothing could be down yesterday after all the dramatic confrontations and Sehun lying his way out of having to explain something he is obviously trying to hide.

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