Jimin scowls and sips his coffee in frustration.

      After all that work I did last week to get her to eat... And she comes back like this! Does she not have anyone else who worries about her health and makes sure she's okay? She's only seventeen; doesn't she have a parent or guardian that calls to check up on her and make sure she's alright? Why aren't her stupid roommates feeding her? I don't understand.

      A huff of frustration escapes Jimin's frowning mouth, and he shoots up from his seat while B's quietly finishing her order. Jimin crosses the room silently to stand behind B, feeling tall for once in his life because of the prominent height difference. He patiently waits for her to pay for her drink, not making a sound, before confidently announcing his presence.

      "I'd like to order the usual turkey club as well, Mina," Jimin states, not a hint of his usual playfulness audible in his deep tone. B jumps in surprise at the sudden loud voice, tripping backwards over her own feet. Jimin's strong hands shoot forward to grip her upper arms on instinct, stabilizing her tiny form without much effort. To everyone's surprise, she yelps; jumping away from Jimin's supportive hands to lean against the counter.

      Jimin's eyes snap to her face, filled with fiery concern. I was so gentle with her, there's no way I gripped her hard enough to bruise! Was her arm already injured?

      "Are you alright?" Jimin is quick to ask, stepping lightly towards her as if approaching a frightened kitten, "Is your arm injured? Did I hurt you?"

      "I'm fine! I'm fine," B insists, shaking her head and pushing his hands away when Jimin reaches out to inspect the area of her upper arm that she's rubbing, "It's just a little sore from work the other day."

      That didn't sound like it was just sore.

      "You're sure?" Jimin watches her eyes, disappointed to find them looking anywhere but his own. How come every time she won't look in my eyes it feels like she's lying? She nods, stepping away from the counter.

      "You just scared me a little, that's all." B mumbles, taking her hand away from her arm to push a strand of gleaming silver hair behind her ear, "I didn't hear you come up behind me."

      "I'm sorry," Jimin genuinely apologizes, guilt crushing his lungs. Maybe I just gripped her arms too hard. I should be more careful next time. Jimin's eyes flicker over her peaked face. Jin would be so disappointed with me. Why am I so bad at taking good care of her? He sends B a tentative smile, "I'll be more careful next time, B-ah. I didn't know you scare so easy."

      "I wish I didn't," B grumbles cutely, "Sonnie always makes fun of me for it."

      "Well, I won't." Jimin promises, surprising himself when he reaches out to boop her nose. What the heck was that? Jimin mentally scolds himself for his over-the-top response to her cute act. Does she look like a toddler to you? It's too late now; what's done is done. But...might as well go all the way, right? "Even if it is pretty cute."

      B freezes, shell-shocked, and Jimin steps around her frozen form to finish his order. Mina smirks at him, but thankfully doesn't say anything, even when Jimin's face starts to turn an unhealthy shade of red.

      I can't believe I just said that. Now she's gonna think I'm some stupid flirt.

      When both his and B's orders are finished, he carries them to the table where B is waiting patiently. She glares up at him when he sets the sandwich in front of her, but Jimin is unyielding and stubbornly points at the sandwich.

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