Arranged Marriage!!! Not if I Can Help It!!! Chapter 29

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Arranged Marriage!!! Not If I Can Help It!!! Chapter 29

~~Hey guys!!! I still feel really bad about waiting so long to post. I hope you guys will forgive me, because I really love writing this story. Sorry that it's short, I didn't have much time to write it. I'll try and write the next chapter a.s.a.p. I hope you like this chapter! Vote and comment! ~~~

Kate's POV

No freaking way! He can't sit next to me in class! All year... NO! I looked over at William. He had his fists clenched under his table and his eyes were murderous. He actually looked... scary. I didn't think he could look that evil. Well he is a vampire...

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Matt. He was still looking at me. The way he looked at me sent a shiver of disgust up my spine. Let's just say he was looking EVERYWHERE except my face.

He is the guy that took not only my virginity, but a piece of me. He took away any pride and dignity that I had. He took a piece of me away that I will never get back. I will never be the same because of what he did to me.

"Kate are you OK?" My head snapped in the teacher's direction. She looked worried; the whole class was looking in my direction. I didn't notice till now that I was hyperventilating. With everyone staring at me, including Matt, a cold sweat broke out on my body. Suddenly I felt sick, very sick. Bile rose up in my throat and I put a hand over my mouth.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I said before running out of the room and into the bathroom. I heaved over the toilet for a few minutes. I can't believe I'm throwing up! How could I get such a strange reaction just by looking at Matt? His face in my mind made me feel sick again. I heard the door of the bathroom open but I was to busy to look.

Cold hands swept the hair from my face and held it while I finished.

I whipped my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater and flushed the toilet. William was standing behind me looking very worried.

Oh my god, William just saw me throw up! He must be so grossed out.

A warm blush colored my cheeks. How embarrassing. He helped me walk over to the sink and I washed up a little bit. I cupped water in my hands and drank some to wash the horrible taste from my mouth. I felt so weak.

"Are you OK Kate?" He asked. To be honest I really didn't know.

"I-I... I think so. I don't know why I got sick, just seeing Matt made me feel... sick." I didn't know how else to describe what happened.

"I'm sorry. Stay here and I'll go tell the teacher that I'm taking you home early." He started to walk out of the bathroom. Panic rose up in me, seizing the last piece of dignity I had left.

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned around and gave me a questioning look. "I'm scared to be alone." He gave me a sad look.

"Come with me then, I'll make sure no one messes with you." The look he gave me said it all. He really does love me. He will do anything in his power to insure that I'm safe and that nothing will hurt me. I could see in all in his face.

I never felt more love in my entire life than I did in that moment.

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