Arranged marrage!!! Not if I can help it!!! Chapter 18

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Arranged marrage!!! Not if I can help it!!! Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Williams POV

She lay down and was emidiatly asleep but I just lay there. I felt numb. When she said she loved him I-I-I couldn't stand it. I felt so many emotions they almost took over me. I was sad, mad, jelous, all the bad feelings. And when I yelled at her I could see in her eyes, she was terrified. She was terrified of me.

I felt miserable. Guilty for yelling at her, yet frustrated because I still didn't understand what she was doing!? She ran when I introduced Tams, she cryed. Then she ignored me. Now she has her 'friend' coming over.

What went wrong? I know her and Tammy got off bad but Kate saw we were friends. Tams wouldn't have done any of that stuff if she knew it was me. I just didn't understand.

I want to talk to Kate I want her to open up to me. I want to hear about her life, why she's upset, why she does the things she does. But she has to call Jack to talk to. She will talk to him but not me.

Does she really love me? Or did she just say that because it fit with the moment? Urg!!! I'm never going to get to sleep with all these questions!!

--30 min later--

I was laying on the bed stairing at the ceiling. Sleep! I couldn't sleep.

I stood up and streched. I looked down Kates bags were still on the floor packed. It took me a few seconds to disside. I knelt down and began going threw her bags.

All I wanted to do was find some answers like a diary or something.

Shorts- no, tamponds- deffinatly not, some shirts- no, comb- no, bra's- unwillingly no, ah! A notebook!

Caved into the cover it said My Diary.

I felt bad going threw her stuff but I needed to know something about her, anything. So I started reading an entry from a week before the arrangment began.

Dear diary,

Today dad was really drunk. I went down stairs and he slapped me on the butt! He said "hey sexy"! Isn't that discussting! He won't remember it when he is sober, but I'll always remember. Puke!!! I'm sitting in my room now it's 5:00 in the morning but I can't sleep. You wanna know why?! I can hear my stepmom and my dad downstairs. At first they were fighting, which I would rather than what there doing now. Ya that right! I can HEAR them down stairs in there bedroom...! Gross! I don't know how I can live in this house. It's horrible. I know this sounds really corny but...I've always wanted my night in shinning armor to come rescue me. I really want him! I really believe he is out there somewhere. Sometimes I wonder what he is doing at this moment. Like is he as miserable as me or is he rich and happy? I hope he comes soon. Yes dad and stepmom are done time for sleep!!! Night.



Wow. I was speachless. Did she think of me as her night of shinning armor? Or Jack? I closed the book and put it back into her bag. I was suddenly very tiered.


Kates POV

I awoke to a smell that was amazing, eggs, bacon,and pancakes. My stomach growled Im SO hungry.

"Are you hungry?" My eyes flew open. That wasn't the voice I was expecting. I looked up and there he was. JACK!

"JACK! Your here! I thought you weren't coming till like 10?!" I jumped out of bed and ran over to him. I gave him a huge hug.

"It is 10! Sleepy head!" I was so happy I just laughed. "Here I brought you breakfast in bed. So go back to the bed and sit down." I did as I was told, I was so hungry.

Jack sat across from me with his own plate of food.

"Ok Kate. You have to tell me what really happened. You don't cry, I know you."

So I told him. I told him about the ride, I told him about Tammy and William. I told him I thought I was in love with William but I didn't know what to do anymore. I cryed a little through it but nothing to harsh.

"So I got you over here. I need you help. What should I do?"

He thought for a moment. "I don't think you should fall for him. I mean remember our plan? You were going to make his life a living hell so he would call off the engagement! Did you forget?"

"No I didn't forget! It's not like I planed on falling for him, it just happened. I wish it didn't." I sighed my life is so screwed up.

"Ok but... I-I-I-I....." I looked up at him. He always has advise he always has something to say. He never studders! What's wrong? He staired but at me. Slowly he took our plates and put them the nightstand then he turned back to me.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked. I just froze for a moment. What should I do? I don't want to hurt Jack but I love William! Jack layed us down and rolled on top of me, we were still kissing. Should I break off the kiss? Will he hate me if I do?

I don't like Jack like this. I can't hurt him though!!! I wish it was William on top of me!!! I heard a gasp from across the room. I pushed Jack off me and looked towards the door. Omg! No! NO!

William stood there his mouth hung open. Oh no! He looked... So hurt... Like he had his heart torn out and cut up in front of him.

What have I done?! This is all my falt. Where ever I go I always cause trouble. I got off the bed and ran out the door I ran down the halls all the way to the front door.

Ever since I came here I caused pain to everyone to William to Jack and myself. I didn't diserve to live here. I didn't diserve William or Jack. So I was leaving.

Where would I go?

I don't know.

I don't care.

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