Arranged marrage!!! Not if I can help it!!! Chapter 14

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Arranged marrage chapter 14

Sorry guys chapter 13 was in the last one.

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Chapter 14

I heard....a faint wisper. I tryed to pull closer to the wisper, so I deepened our kiss. The wisper was a little louder now but I still couldn't make out the words. I opened my mouth and William followed.

I heard it clear as day now.

"Kate can you hear this? It's William I'm just thinking this." I heard him!!! I began to pull back but he held on and stuck his tounge into my mouth.

We were like this for a while just making out when we herd a door open and someone scream.

"Holy shit!!!" We broke apart to find ourselves face to face with the girl that made out with William!!!!!! William stiffened beside me but I didn't really notice. I was beyond angry.

She kept talking when she recognized us. "oh! It's you the hot guy and the slut." Wtf! "Ya you know if you want some more of what you got on the ride I'm always open." And she calls me a slut?!

"Oh ya and you call me the slut?!!! You probably are always open you have a different guy in you every day!!!" She staired at me in disbelief. Probably didn't think I'd stand up for myself.

"As a matter of fact I do. But at least I'm able to get different guys! Your guy is so bored of you he had to settle with kissing me!!!" She did not just say that!!!

Finaly William spoke up. "I didn't even know I was kissing you!! It wasn't good either it was really really discusting!!!" She stood in the door way thinking of what to say next then an odd expession came over her.

"Wait.... Are you William?" Wtf?! How did she know his name??!!

"Um, ya. How do you know my name!!!" I could tell William was frustrated and confused, well so was I.

"Omg! I'm Tammy! My dad is the owner of the blood drive! Remember when we were little we would play together when our dads worked??!" What was going on???! Why do they have blood drives, what's it for?!

"Tams? Is that really you?" I was frozen on the spot. He knew her. They had a history. They kissed on the ride. It was like fate pulling them together, but what about me?

"Willi!!!" They hugged!!! I just stood there like an idiot, I am an idiot. How could I fall in love with him?! My plans will all be ruined!!! Im SO stupid!!! I felt so awful he made me feel awful. How could he do this to me. I was- I was jelous.

"Tams this is Kate, Kate this is Tammy or Tams." I still just stood there I hated her. I hate her so much. I hate William. I hate the whole world for dumping this crap on me. How much can I take before I break?

My mom died, my dad didn't love me, my stepmom hated me, my stepmom abused me, I fell for a loser, I had my heart torn out by a loser. The only good thing in my life is my Jack. I miss Jack I want him.

Tammy reached her hand out to shake mine. I just stared at it, once again being the idiot I am. I wanted to run. I need to run.

I want to run all the way to my Jack I need him.

So I ran.

I ran out the bathroom, out the park. As fast as I could.


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