Arranged marrage!!! Not if I can help it!!! Chapter 21

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Arranged marrage!!! Not if I can help it!!! Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Kate's POV

I woke up in darkness. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. WTF is going on?! I reached down to my pocket to see if I had my cell, but there was no pocket. Omg! My clothes are all gone!!! What's happening?! The ground was cold and hard, I felt around for anything and I felt a cloth. Clothes? It felt like torn up underwear.

I tryed to stand up but I was dizzy. I couldn't remember anything! I was scared. Ya I was scared. Someone was after me. Uh! Why can't I remember?!!! Why couldn't I see?!

It was like something was fogging my vision, and my eyes burned. I reached up and gasped. I could feel hot liquid all over my face, blood.

Then I remembered. Matt. Matt brought me to the alley he chased me down. He raped me. No! Wait, I thought I was saved? There was a savior!

Could the savior have been a dream? Nothing felt real now. Before I knew it I slipped back into the darkness.

When I woke back up it was morning. The light was rising over the houses, and I could see my surroundings. I was in the alley like I remembered. I remembered everything untill he through me to the ground.

Everything after that was blurry. Did a savior really come or was I blacked out? I strained to rememer but nothing come.

I saw clothes in a small pile beside me. I pulled them all on but not my underwear that was ripped in half. I started to stand up but my whole body was sore. I limped out of the alley. I limped back to Williams place. It was misery but I had to make it I needed help.

Williams POV

I was so worried! We searched all day and all night for her but found nothing. What if someone kidnapped her? I would kill them!! I know I would.

Jack was also worried crazy. What could we do? We looked in every place every place we could think of. She was no where. What now?

Me and jack were talking in the kitchen deciding what to do now, when the front door opened. I ran to the door with Jack at my heals.

There she was. Blood was all in her hair and face. Bruises marked all over her body, and she was limping. My heart stoped, what had I done. If I had just followed her in the first place this would have never happened. I hate myself, I will never forgive myself.

She limped over to me, no she passed me and went to Jack. She hugged him for a split second before going limp in his arms.

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