Arranged marrage!!! Not if i can help it!!! Chapter 23

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Arranged marrage!!! Not if i can help it!!! Chapter 23

Hey everyone!!! Sorry it took me so long to post this I typed out the whole story and then like the idiot i am i accidentally deleted it!! So now i have to re-right it. Anyway I'm also writing other stuff, if you guys like Twilight fan-fiction then look at my other story. Vote and comment!!!

Chapter 23

I was devastated. I locked myself in a guest room for a whole week not eating, drinking, or anything out of this room and the bathroom connected. I didn't want to think about what happened.

William and Jack tried to get me to tell them the first day i came back.


"Kate please we just want to help. Who did this to you? What happened?" William asked for the tenth time.

"I don't want to talk about it...ill tell you later." And with that i ran to the guest room and locked the door.


I was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling when i heard a knock on the door. I froze. Could it be Matt looking for another round?

"Kate open up! I swear ill knock the door down!!!" Jack screamed through the door. I didn't reply. I was actually surprised when i heard a loud bang and the door flew off its hinges.

Jack ran in and sat beside me holding my hand. William walked in after him holding a HUGE plate of food and a HUGE glass of water. I immediately grabbed the food and began shoving food down my throat. I noticed how Williams eyes landed out me and Jacks intertwined hands. His eyes burned with an anguish so deep it hurt even me.

"Kate we need you to tell us what happened. We gave you time, now we need answers." I gulped down the large bite of food i took and washed it down with a large gulp of water.

I cleared my throat and tried to speak but my mouth was to dry. So i drank half the water so i could speak.

"Um...Where do i start?" I was trying to delay, i really didn't want to tell them.

"You ran out...." William began.

"Right i ran out then i went to town. I went to this club called....I don't remember the name." I stopped and looked at William his eyes signaled me to continue. I took a huge breath and began explaining everything.

Williams POV

She looked at me and i gave her a signal to continue. She took a huge breath. The suspense is killing me i need to know, now!

"I ran into.... someone at the club. Someone i know. H-he dragged me to some alley, i don't know where." Tears fell down her face and she closed her eyes. I could have read her mind but i didn't, i wanted to hear it from her. She needs to talk about whatever happened.

"H-h-h-h-he-he r-r-r-ra-rap-rap-ra-rape HE RAPED ME!!!!" She screamed hysterically and began sobbing. But i froze in place. Anger pulsed threw me, no anger isn't enough to describe it. More like hatred, loathing, disgust. But yet i felt sadness, and grief because this was killing Kate to have it all bottled up and that killed me.

"Who did this to you?" I whispered because i couldn't completely find my voice.

She stopped sobbing and looked at me tears still running down her face.

"Don't look for him. Promise me that you won't do something you'll regret or get hurt. Promise me that if i tell you, you wont hurt him, that you'll let it go." I couldn't promise her that. If i saw him i would snap i know it. But when i looked in her eyes all my thoughts melted only two words remained.

"I promise."

~~ Sorry its so short ill post more soon. Please vote and comment!"

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