Part 36: Officer Cabello

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~~ The Next day at the Jane-Hamilton House ~~

"You know I have this fantasy of you in a nurses uniform giving me a sponge bath." Rosie randomly said as Grace helped adjust her pillow.

Grace froze for a second and looked at Rosie a little startled seeing as Normani and Dinah were in the room as well. Seems her pain meds were making her a little loopy because after telling her that she burst out giggling. Grace couldn't help but blush.

"Dinah actually did that for me once." Normani muttered to herself.

"Too much info." Grace looked horrified.

Dinah nodded in agreement.

"Ooh you should be naked too Gracie." Rosie added.

Normani and Dinah just laughed at the pretty shade of red that now adorned Grace's cheeks.

"Ok Rosie I think you should get some rest now." Grace suggested.

"I don't wanna...come sleep with me Gracie. Just don't tell my mommies coz then they'll know." Rosie replied in a sleepy voice.

"You do know we can hear you right?" Dinah asked.

"Fuuuccckkk. Gracie why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I just assumed you could see them. They are sitting right next to you." Grace replied with a small giggle.

Rosie turned her head to the side and smiled widely.

"Hey! Mom! Mami! It's you guys!" She practically yelled.

Her two mothers couldn't help but laugh.

"Them some good drugs huh?" Dinah asked with a smirk.

Rosie just nodded.

"It's like I'm on a rainbow of rainbow goodness." The young Tongan replied.

"Aww my poor baby is totally off her head." Normani replied with a chuckle.

"We need to get some more of this stuff's good." Rosie yawned.

"Ok we'll get right on that." Dinah replied.

Rosie nodded as she closed her eyes and was now completely dead to the world.

"Ok so next time...we lower her pain meds." Normani suggested.

"I don't know...she's kinda funny like this." Dinah replied.

Normani just glared at her.

"What? It's true."

"Alright let's get out of here and let her rest. You coming Gracie?" Normani asked.

"Um...I...I was gonna stay...maybe read a little...wait till she wakes up."

Normani gave her a knowing smile and just nodded.

"Well if you get bored we'll be downstairs." Dinah said as she kissed her daughter's head before she left.

Once Dinah was out of ear shot Normani sat back down.

"So how did it really happen?" She asked Grace.

"W-What do you mean?" Grace asked.

"Come on Gracie. I know when my daughter is lying." Normani replied.

"We're not lying...she fell." Grace told her then quickly averted her eyes.

"Mmhmm...and what were you doing before she fell?" Normani asked.

"Nothing." Grace mumbled.

Normani just squinted her eyes in suspicion but Grace was looking everywhere besides looking at her Aunt.

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