Part 14: Fancy Dress Party

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College life for the girls was definitely the best years of their lives. Out of some twisted fate Lauren, Dinah, Ally and Keana all got accepted into NYU, and Camila and Normani got into Julliard. Thanks to Clara Jauregui Lauren's college fund was untouchable during her divorce to Mike. He tried to take it away but Clara and her lawyers were able to stop him. Because of this and with the help of Camila's college fund that her parents had saved over the years the two girls managed to get their own apartment that was close enough to both schools. It was a small two bedroom apartment so they invited Dinah and Normani to stay with them as well. Ally and Keana decided to stick with dorm rooms for the first year but grew tired of that quickly and they managed to find a cheap two bedroom apartment that wasn't too far from the other four girls. During the last two years of high school and throughout college the six girls became extremely close and considered each other as family.

It was getting towards the end of the year when the girls were invited to a fancy dress party at one of their other friend's house. It was one of those huge house parties, they had been to a few over the year but this one was supposed to be even bigger and better than the rest. Camila thought the idea of it being fancy dress was excellent…Lauren not so much. She hated having to get dressed up in some stupid tacky costume, why couldn't they just wear normal clothes? It wasn't your average fancy dress party either, it had a theme: Famous Couples in History. Dinah was not impressed either.

All six girls were over at Lauren and Camila's apartment catching up over some beer and snacks. Once again no one knew how Lauren and Dinah managed to get any alcohol considering they weren't 21 yet.

"So have you guys thought about what you're gonna dress up as?" Ally asked.

keana, Lauren and Dinah shook their heads. Normani and Camila both had massive grins on their faces. Lauren and Dinah looked worried

"I have the perfect couple picked out for me and Lauren." Camila told them.

Lauren looked nervous.

"What? But we haven't even discussed it yet." Lauren replied through gritted teeth.

"That's because there is nothing to discuss Lauren, it's been decided and we will be going to pick up our costumes tomorrow afternoon." Camila informed her

"What? How come I don't get a say in this?"

"Because you would just veto every idea I would have come up with."

Lauren just sighed.

"Fine…what are we going as?"

Camila smiled big and brightly.

"The ultimate romantic couple in history…Romeo and Juliet. Obviously I would be playing the part as Juliet where you Lauren will be Romeo." Camila explained.

Dinah and Keana couldn't hold in their laughter at the expression on Lauren's face.

"No way! Why do I have to be the guy?" Lauren yelled.

"Because I'm smaller than you." Camila replied.

"SO! That's a stupid excuse! I'm not going as a guy. Why can't we just go as…as…Willow and Tara from Buffy?" Lauren asked.

"Lauren, I know you love that show but I would never call them a famous couple from history."

Lauren looked at her girlfriend in shock.

"Blasphemy!" Lauren shouted then stormed out of the room and slammed the bedroom door shut.

Camila just rolled her eyes and sighed.

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