I let a single tear drop, that he kissed down.

Gem's POV

I let my leaders to have their moment, they have Toothless if something would happen.

So I followed the blacksmith.

Heading straight to the main hall, which was annoyingly noisy he entered but failed to stay unnoticed. All eyes turned to him.

Some confused, some angry, some hopeful.

I slipped in, and sat down on a higher beam to have the best look at everything.

*Gobber* - What did I miss so far?

Suddenly the place became a beehive I could only understand bits of words here and there. The chief, over shouting everyone, made deadly silence.

*Stoick* - Not much. Everyone scared or confused. No remarkable solution so far.

*Spitelout* - We can still fight with them! He is just a vulnerable kid, take the alpha and the rest will be headless without them!

I huffed, he can't mean it, he is not that stupid... is he? Why does the whole room erupted in agreeing shouts?!

*Gobber* - Of course a little kiddo, he just took out a mountain sized dragon.

Wow. The guy of truth. The silence meant they are not as much of an idiots as I thought.

*Stoick* - True.

*Gobber* - We are not planning to execute the original plan, are we?

*Spitelout* - Why not?

*Gobber* - The heir is back.

*Spitelout* - On the side of the dragons!

*Gobber* - Or just got an army against whatever threat we are facing.

*Spitelout* - A dragon... army...?

Gobber shrugged and walked in with his usual difficulties in his walk, gaining everyone's sympathy and trust towards the warrior.

*Stoick* - I need to investigate why Gothi is taking his side, the meeting is dismissed! After lunch we continue from here!

The crowd rumbled disappointed, but this confusing situation at least prevented further arguments for now. When only the two of them remained, Night's father shot a defeated look.

*Stoick* - What do I do?

He asked before collapsing to a chair, hands hiding his face.

*Gobber* - Since he is your son, the village should cheer for the heir.

*Stoick* - We both know it's not that easy.

*Gobber* - He gained experience in leading, and better than Snotlout ever be.

*Stoick* - At this point I don't care such....

*Gobber* - Than?

*Stoick* - Gobber... I tried to kill him. Not once! How should have known?!

*Gobber* - ...

*Stoick* - I did not even recognize him! My own son!

*Gobber* - Well... nobody did expect Astrid.

*Stoick* - How did she do that?

*Gobber* - If I have to guess she seen more and either someone told her or she figured it out.

*Stoick* - I see...

*Gobber* - She was secretive about the island case and the rest was awfully quiet. I could even imagine her hiding Hiccup at the attack.

*Stoick* - Since when she leans towards being a traitor?

*Gobber* - Either she knew or the dragons made her. A terrible terror could lead us by our noses I can only imagine the sneaky nightfury.

*Stoick* - I see...

*Gobber* - I think you should talk to him.

*Stoick* - I must... the village is...

*Gobber* - No, it's not about the village. You should talk as a father and son. You two have to figure it out, for yourselves and for your people. We can't do much until than.

*Stoick* - How can I face him... after those...?

*Gobber* - You must... so buckle your pants and find him.

I watched them go, before sneaking out still unnoticed. I chirped happily enjoying the moment. I watched the chief heading to the healer's hut alongside with the blacksmith. I, feeling satisfied with my work, headed to the (un)official feeding station, getting my deserved meal.

(A/N I'm not so satisfied with this chapter but here you go. Is it okay if the story slows down to show how they are cooping with this new situation?)

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