14. Mission

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Hiccup's POV

As soon as we managed to urge everyone on their dragons they took off and followed us in the air as we run through the wet beach rocks. The waves were huge and some of them covered me a bit but I couldn't care less... I would have even enjoyed the tour if the time wasn't working against us.

We left Gobber on the beach where he is in our sight if something happens... Toothless could take care of any danger from any distance.

- So everyone! There's a complicated dragon trap over there, that I can't disarm on my own... this is why I need you.

- Where is your famous team? You never move alone!

Ummm... they really think I always with a team behind my back? Really? They really knows nothing!

- Leave the chit-chat after we finished! Sooo I was about to explain what we have to do. The trap is complicated in a way... there is more lock and have to be a disabled in the same time, or the captured dragons will be dead in three second. So if any of you screw it up, I personally make you pay for it...

Sometimes I'm simply glad I'm feared... it's easier to make the others do what I want them to do... even if it's bad to use it, but I won't think about it twice if I have to save lives.

- Here is where I need the first person! Snotlout, come here!

- Okay! Wait how do you know my name?

- I know a lot of things. Now come down here and do NOTHING or you know the consequences.

- Okay! Okay! I understood!

- I hope so.

- The other points are swimming logs on the surface, find them. There's supposed to be two right next to each other, the twins takes care of it. Astrid, Fishleg, find the remaining two!

- Got it!

After the twins were finally located to their right place which took painfully much time, we could start the operation. I told them what they have to do with it, not difficult, but I wouldn't dare to use untrained claws for this small and important stuff.

When I realized, they managed to do it, as I asked for it, I just leaped into the air happily and shouted:


However my mood didn't last long, I heard screams. Both dragon and human! ... I couldn't believe it. I've just caught the glimpse of it, arrows shot up from the sea straight for the rescuers! The gronkel was hurt because of protecting her rider but still was in the air which couldn't be told about the nadder... Stormfly had good reflexes too and defended her rider by curling around her and falling into the water.

With Toothless we didn't even bother to look at each other, we jumped into the sea in the exact same time, of course he is faster swimmer than me, I grabbed the saddle and let myself to get pulled. We reached them he pulled them up to the surface, and I placed Astrid on my bud's back and I checked if she had any injuries... which she had. On her arm there was a long deep cut.. and it's poison! Shit!

We reached the part, I got the supplies out of Toothless's saddle pocket and I started to work.

- Don't let her move!

The nightfury sat on Astrid and set a paw on her hand so now I had free access to her bleeding arm. The bluish liquid wasn't a good sign, it's deadly for both races! But especially effective against humans! Ohh my gosh.

I opened the wound than I leaned down and sucked out the most of it and split out... I won't be able to taste anything for a week. I grabbed my knife and made a bigger cut, so I could take care the rest of this special poison. I've already choose the right antidote from many and I poured right into the wound. She screamed like when the nadder took her. Or louder. I know this is quite unpleasant, stings like hell but I don't know any other cure! I torn my shirt so I could patch up the wound.

Now the nadder. She was lying next to us, an arrow was in her side. Poor dragon. I took out the cursed arrow, than I did the exact same thing, while I nearly got impaled by the spikes that aimed at me because of the pain.... but it's clean now. I jumped back until the nadder was suffering and tried to erase the stinging pain... of course it was pointless effort but it kept her busy.

Now the gronkel. Gronkels are immune to most of the poisons... but the arrows can be a problem. I pulled them out and cleaned out the wounds but there was no serious injuries.

Now I turned to the Scauldrons. Toothless was dealing with them, I was wondering why they didn't interrupt me before...

- Hey guys, how are you doing?

- Help us to get out!

- Give us a moment. Stay still!

With knife I swam around and cut it loose. Than I told the nightmare to pull it off of them. This trap is the worst. The net was untearable, and there was spikes woven in, so the poor caught ones skin and scale got injured and in the end they die in blood loss... and I didn't mentioned the pain.... because their cries the other dragons are lured in... .... an endless circle...

Things didn't go as smoothly as I planed but hey. The objective is done without any loss.

I checked out the freed ones, their bodies were full of minor cuts, like 100 on each! It looked awful but thanks Thor neither of them dangerous... but these won't disappear... scars will remain.

When I finally petted everyone, I gave up everything in favor of exhaustion. I sat down where I stood and with a quick look I've checked on Astrid who had the most critical condition. She was sitting and had a hold on his arm and looked way more comfortable with Stormfly behind her back than before. The others were doing well as well... I guess.

(A/N I nearly got heart attack when my phone decided to not saving my progress with my story XD I wrote it in school, I was so happy, the only thing remained to check for grammar mistakes on my pc. Yap. Where I couldn't find it... I'm glad for the wattpad for having revision restore! I found it there, I have no clue why it kept the older version ...)

Ran away and have a great lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن