07. The real story is about to begin...

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In the middle of the forset I was sitting on the highest tree branch, that beared my weigth, with my notes, I was making a map. It was quite a sight, I have admit it, behind the mountains the sunset painted the sky red.

Next time, when I looked up from my notes, dragons appeared in the far distance heading to my direction, although one of them was faster. Loooot faster. Toothless passed me with super speed, and without even looking at him I knew he will turn around for me. I put my little book back to it's place on my suit, which was covered with black and blue dragon skales. I put on my helmet, which had two little horn of a new type of dragon, which regrow their horn every second year.

I jumped of the tree rigth onto my saddle.

- Sup? Did you have fun?

- It was fun as always, but we missed you.

- I had to make a map...

- I know, you need it to navigate.

- Exactly. Oh we are here. Hello! How was your flight? - asked the other dragons, and a Timberjack answeared.

- We had a good wind, so it was amazing to fly!

- Thanks for having us here.

- The honor is ours, Dragon Whisperer, there're a very few who can say they had you as a guest!

- Thank you for your kind words. However we have to go, I promised we are going to be back by sunset.

- Of course. Come back anytime!

- Thanks! See you guys!

Every dragon said their goodbye which became one big deafening roar, but I got used to it. I've been living with dragons for years after all.

- You are daydreaming. Again.

- Sorry. I was thinking about how nice was the leader Timberjack. She is nice since we saved her hatchling last year, I wonder what's up with them...

- Yeah, she is quite nice always polite, like no other dragon.... but there's something more, is't there?

I sighed.

- I'm more concerned about our plan.

- To make things different with the Queen?

- Yes. Every dragon is reasonable, I believe we can talk it out...

- You are always too nice. Maybe too optimistic.

- We called your type the "unholly offspring of lighting and death" back at my home.

- Sounds cool.

- Yeah. But is it truth, you are bloodthirsty mindless beasts?

- Of course not!

- They think so. Don't listen to every romour you hear.

- You know... there's difference between romours and knowledge! ... nevermind. You wouldn't listen, would you?

- Like always...

- I'm always watching your back. I'll be with you if you think you can do it.

- Thank you... we are nearly there. Still have strenght to have some fun?

- Always.

We were about to start the stun, when we heard someone screaming. We immidiatelly turn to face the danger, but there was only a terrible terror flying towards us.

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