01. Running away

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Hiccup's POV

I messed up. I messed up pretty badly. Like really badly.

On that day I wanted to let Astrid win, but I messed up. Like an idiot, I just stood up and I was looking around like an idiot, not thinking about the gronkel would see me. It wouldn't had been a problem, I could simply let myself get hit, so I would have been kicked out from the competition... but nooo I totally forgot about the dragon nip.

I let the brown dragon approach me without me even noticing her, and as I got scared when I realized she is right behind me I just dropped everything, but I wanted to keep my shield. She fell to the ground with pure bliss and I couldn't say a word. My mind was like: "No, don't do this! Please attack me!" I made an eye contact with an incoming Astrid but now it was useless to say anything. When the realization hit me. In the morning I met up with Toothless and he pushed me into the dragon nip! Moreover since I know, it's the dragons weakness I always have some with me, just in case I got attacked! She must have sensed it! Oh my god, I just messed it up.

Okay than, we had enough fun, I gotta go! My dragon is already going to be mad at me for being late, I have to get there as soon as I could!

The blondy put her axe around my neck, I looked at her with wide eyes, I couldn't understand her rage! What's her probl... Gobber just grabbed both of us, and we got judged. Nooow I got it... they though again I hurt that poor dragon, I swallowed hard and pretended to be happy when I won the tournament.

As soon as I was able to get away from my fans, I decided I had enough. I go away! There's no way I'll kill a dragon! Nope! Nope! Nope! I headed towards my home, I got some supplies, like clothes, my notes, than I run to my workshop, got my remaining stuff than I went to the forest.

During my long walk I decided I don't want my stuff suffer under a nightfurry's annoyance for me being late, so I tried to get there as silently and carefully as I could. When I reached my stuck shield I took a deep breath, I ducked than I looked down. First of all I couldn't see any black. Where did he hide?

After a few minutes of pointless searching, I gave up. I went down quickly, stood next to the big rock, I placed down my stuff.

Before I could do anything else, I heard a big thump behind me, I spun around. I saw Toothless growling and standing on someone. It's Astrid! And she is unconscious! My friend knocked her out for sure, and now he was waiting for me to decide what should we do with her. I gulped, crouched down to check if she is even alive. Luckily she is.

- Come on bud, let go of her. - he did not budge. - We don't have time... we have to go. For a neverending vacation.

I scratched his neck than he followed me, I placed my stuff on him, took a last glance to the unconscious girl than we took off.

Astrid's POV

Hiccup hides something, that's sure! And I WILL find out what, even It's my last resort of my life! So far I could see him packing up. What is he doing? Like he is about to leave. It's ridiculous!

Now we are in the forest like last time. However now there's no way I lose my sight of him! I stealthy followed him, until he reached a stuck shield, than he was looking for something. Wonder what. Maybe it's his secret and I won't let him get away with it whatever it is!

He went down, and I quickly slided down on the rocks right behind him. I walked over to the rock too, when I heard footsteps from behind ME. I spun around when I got a knock on my head, I saw a feral eyes on me and everything went black.

When I woke up I barely could concentrate on anything, not even on my thoughts. The headache was unbearable, I had to stay still for minutes, before I could sense my surroundings. I was lying on soft grass, and I could only hear the wind blowing. I slowly opened my eyes, it was already dark. What happened? ... suddenly it popped up in my mind. A dragon knocked me out! Hiccup! What the hell happened?! How long I've been out?!!! I stood up, I struggled to keep my balance and I looked around. There was definitely a dragon here! Broken trees, burnt grass, claw marks everywhere! I made a few steps but I collapsed next to the lake. I was breathing hard and I was glad I was alive! I splashed water on my face with my shaky hands, when something got my attention. Something gleaming in the water. I reached out, nearly falling into the water but I got it. It was a knife. With Hiccup's name on it.

(A/N The first few chapters are short, but don't worry, the others will be longer. ;) I hope you like it!)

(Edit: I've checked this chapter, and I corrected my spelling mistakes, at least the ones I found ^^")

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