31. Somewhere I belonged

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(A/N I hope you don't hate Astrid pov ^^"
Sry for the touble publish I missclicked earlier...)

Astrid's POV  

I sighed.

He still doesn't look like he is panicking. Why does it bother me? BECAUSE I DO. He is just simply annoyed!



Toothless is chilling too!

Soon everyone stopped, and took their place where they stared at us like some type of attraction. I guess we are.

*Stoick* - First of all. Since we learnt now you belongs to the Traitor's flock we will kill you as well.


*Stoick* - This case is an exception. She works with YOU. - I thought he will even spit on him - With the worst of all!

I saw him taking back for a moment but hardened his look.

*Hiccup* - Heh. Me? The worst? And why are you thinking that? Because you assume my dragon killed your precious son?!

*Stoick* - Don't dare to talk about him!

*Hiccup* - Does it matter anymore?

*Stoick* - Yes, it does!

*Hiccup* - You said yourself. He is dead. So I don't think it matters to him. Or again it's only about you? You can't stand if he is mentioned? Heh. Selfish as always.

*Stoick* - How dare you!

With that he slapped him so hard he fell on his face and.... his shirt long sleeved shirt slided up, when wanted to get up, and revealed scars. MANY-MANY scars. I gasped. It looked awful.

He spitted out the blood from his mouth than he looked at me. He tried to follow my sight when he realized what I'm looking at, his eyes widened as well, but he smiled.

*Hiccup* - Weren't you the one who said "It's only fun if you get a scar out of it." I still hate the pain thou.

He laughed.

I was horrified.

*Stoick* - Enough of this foolish talking! - He turned to me - Since you were a good person while you lived with us, we kill you first, you don't have to watch everyone else's death. I think I'm quite generous with this.

I stared at him wide eyes. Someone grabbed me, I didn't see who it was, and placed me in the middle of the arena where Stoick stood. I gulped. Now what?! This is the end. I stood straight, I won' t show fear, whatever happens.

He got his axe, and raised it high.

I closed my eyes.

Someone grabbed me and with a strong hug, spun me around, while I heard a soft whine. I opened my eyes, and the one who was holding me was Hiccup.

I didn't even had time to react, he gently pushed me forward, when I turned around he was facing his father, but the worst of all, on his back there was a long fresh cut, his shirt was torn, and the blood was streaming down and he held a hand defensively in front of me.

My eyes widened in horror.

And how did he freed himself?!

We heard something strange, it was here the whole time but now it was getting louder. It was like a bunch of bees flying, but it wasn't bees. This is a LOT more louder!

Suddenly the sky turned black and the Earth started to shake.

It was full of dragons.

They torn off the "ceiling", there was so many of them, and in the rush few of them came down to us, but Hiccup already grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our dragons which were freed by now!

The dragons like angry bees fly around, knocking everyone down, there are too many to be handled!

In the chaos we were running out, since Toothless' tail was taken as well, but it was hard to going fast because of the earthquake.

The Berkians were screaming and shouting but with THAT many dragon around I couldn't hear a word.

Soon a few dragon appeared around they held Hiccup's equipment, a few terrible terror brought the tailfin, and placed it on Toothless.

We were out of danger, for now, and I had time to look around. Amazing how many dragon has arrived! And none of them were attacking, just making  chaos, and helping those who got into a fight.

Now the cloaked dragon master was on his dragon, and flew up to coordinate the flock. 

Only now, I can see that there are RIDERS! Most of the dragons had a someone on their back!


Hiccup flew up and immediately was surrounded  with riders. I watched them from a bit distance, I nearly forgot what happened a few moments ago, but now I feel safe up in the air. 

Suddenly Hiccup jumped down.


Toothless didn't dove after him, just looked annoyed, so I did instead of him, but there's no way I can catch him! 

Suddenly he grabbed he opened his cloak, and started to fly! He hold tight on it, and flew through crowd of mess, the dragons and vikings.

How could he fly? He got his sword out and hit away a nadder spike. He landed near to his father he dodged his furious attack, and with his cloak  deflected a fire attack that I didn't see where it came from, but it was aimed at his father. 


I got it. Even if he doesn't know he doesn't want him to get hurt! 

Hiccup's POV

No matter how much hatred I feel towards HIM I can't let him get hurt. 

I wouldn't forgive myself.

After a few other savings, after the jump on a flaming monstrous nightmare where I bumbed his head into the ground to calm him down, I was sick of this, I was leaping back and fort. 

However even after the retreat signal, many dragon stay.

This was the point when I was done with this.


I shouted into the air,... however I didn't expect them to hear it... but they did.

Dragons left their fights, and circled around me saying sorrys ect. No. Pls. Just lets get going!

I was hussing them away, when the realization hit the Berkians... I saved their asses again. They are confused but I don't care. I did what I have to.

Before taking off, Stoick roared at me asking what I am doing but I refused to answer... but I spotted Fishleg.

He was looking at me like he seen a ghost.


He probably got my refernce.

And I supppose am a ghost, after believing I'm dead for years.

I turned Toothless towards him, but he didn't looked scared more rather shocked, we walked closer when he finally muttered my name, It was so quiet I needed all of my concentration to hear it. But it's confirmed, he does know now it's me.

- Yes. It's me. Would you like come with us?

- I...I... um.

- Yes or no?

- ....

- Is silence acceptence?

........ and Toothless was way more impatient than me, he simply grabbed him and we took off. At the first rider free dragon we stopped and put him on it was getting annoying to listen his screams.

- Shhhh. Not every dragon likes loud noises!

With that he immediately shut up.

I sighed.

What a long day!

(A/N I wanted to write a bit more, but I felt like it's more than enough. How do you feel, does it need more detail, or it's good like this?
I don't know if I'll have time to update in the next two days, so I updated now.)

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