21. Whispers in the dark

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(A/N The title for a really active reader :3 thx for the support :) I hope you will recognized where I got it from xD)

Astrid's POV

It's been a week since the Rider defeated the Queen and led the dragons away from our village. There was only one "raid" I don't think it should be called raid, because just three dragon (two nadder and and a terrible terror, so basically two dragon) found our chicken house and had dinner there.

Stoick, our cheif, was defeated that day too, and even if he tries he couldn't hide his anger, his pride was badly damaged. I believe now he wants more than just his nightfury... he wants to revenge his pride too.

Everybody is skeptical about the situation, only me and Fishleg agreed on we have no problems with dragons anymore, just with the few stray ones... and I don't know how to feel about it. If there no more attack what will we do? Okay, it's amazing first, we don't have to put ourselves in danger to protect our food so we won't starve to death... but other than that? Really. What will we do? It was our hobby to fight! And now? Nothing.

I sighed. I can't get over this dragon situation! Neither the flight and neither the emptiness now! I'm hopeless.

An another cold night. I'm getting use to have a deep sleep, because I don't have to be aware of the attacks... but I still have my axe beside my bed, better be prepared than sorry.

Who the hell is throwing rocks at my window?! If it's Snotlout or the twins again, there'll be blood. I opened my window and looked down into the darkness. Nobody is there. Great. Twins... you are going to die tomorrow for making me get out from my warm bed. I closed back the window, and an another rock immediately landed on it. Fuuuuuuu. I opened it rapid fast. Again. Nobody is there. I groand, I was about to close again when an another rock landed. What in the name of Thor...? An another on my head. I'm confused. Who can aim in this complete darkness???

I tugged out my head completely, but the torches were really out around. Than how?

An another rock. Now it's annoying!

I whispered.

- Who is there? Show yourself!

... completely calm everything... but something moved. I heard it.

- I know you are here. Who are you?

Still no answer.

Okay. I changed my clothes fast, than I climbed out with my axe. Whoever it is I'll kill that person, because I'll show what I think about these pranks, and I'll end it. Now.

As I reached the ground I stood still waiting for the next sound, so I'll can strike...

Something touched my hand but instead of attacking I froze.


Because it was scales. Before I could making different theories how the twins messing with me, I felt it again, smooth cold, but still warmer than the cold night air. It moved, it was vivid and with carefully moves under my fingers... I remember this touch.

- Toothless...?

A soft purr like growl. Okay. He IS Toothless.

He pushed my back, I thought I'll fell over but I managed to regain my balance, he tossed and tossed until I wasn't moving enough fast for his liking. Than It felt like he disappeared... so I slowed down, but in fornt of me I heard a quiet barely audible sound, the characteristic nightfury screech.

I followed... until I crashed into something. I yelped.... when I heard something familiar, it's like a laugh? Yes, it is! He is laughing at me! Fuuu. What did I crash into? Is it a tree? Yes. We are near to the forest, I can't keep up blind!

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