13. Night

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(A/N Omg. I finally finished this chapter. This the very final version and now I could finally update. Bad news: because it ended up totally different than I planed, the already written other three chapter is unusable y.y never mind. I solved my story issues, updates will come more recently)

Hiccup's POV

Oh great. Why there's has to be vikings on this island... and not from anywhere... from Berk? Just simply great. I huffed as I pulled my hood down. I'm so happy I left my cloak at the cave because it was soaking wet, so now I don't freeze to death.

- Why did you left our stuff there?!

- Because a certain someone threw me into the freezing cold water first.

- You have the point. When we are going in?

- It will be only me. Go have some sleep or don't know what.

- One of them always awake, watching out for the others. Even me wouldn't be able to get through without being seen.

- Hm. Always one. However I believe not everyone of them will stay awake.

- Really? They are that irresponsible?

- Few of them.

- Hm. I bet on the annoying one, and the two crazy.

- How did you know I was thinking about the same?

~ Around a hour later ~

- The girl just woken up the annoying one, are you going in?

- I wait until he falls asleep. I give him 5 minutes.

- Okay.

Aaand I wasn't wrong, he was asleep as I said.

- Just stay here bud, I get your tail and we can go home finally.

- Be safe, but I'll watch you from here.

- See you in a moment.

With that I silently walked into the camp. I can see in low light, thanks to Toothless, I had to get used to it. The fire was out, there was only ember, and it's enough for now.

My stuff were all over the ground geez don't they know what privacy means?

First my clothes, so I may won't get a cold, I've just got my pants on I felt way more comfortable near to humans... when I had a really bad feeling, so I turned around just in time to see a blade that striked at me but I managed to dodge. Ohhhh I'm so happy for my training! Before any words could be saied I run off to the beach, lets get far from the others. She shouted back, but I heard it clearly they didn't wake up, but she is afraid of losing my sight, so she is after me. Interesting...? On the sandy beach I saw their ships and I jumped on because why not. I could use this place to fight.

- Get off from that ship!

- Why should I?

Astrid's POV

This guy already pisses me of! Who is he and what is he want?! What he wanted to stole?! I tried to hit him until he is harmless, but he is good. Too good. In the end I used my deadly blows but he was way to agile to be hit! Damn you! Where is he going? Oh no.

- Get off of that ship!

I followed him, I tried to hit him... without any luck. He used the parts of the boat to deflect, or just he stepped by the boxes to make me go around to reach him.

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