15. Chilling

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(A/N I'm totally hopeless. Originally I named the ch "Spark" I wrote the first third of it than I totally forgot what was my "brilliant" idea, the reason why I named it spark... xD and now it's annoy me)

Hiccup's POV

The wet clothes and the already freezing cold night is not a good pair... for me at least. I heard a big crash, everyone's head perked up, Toothless was approaching with a huge bough, placed it in front of me, and shot it on fire than he curled around me, offered his body warm. I leaned to him and enjoyed the heat from both side now. I closed my eyes. It's so nice!

Yap. Until Ruffnut and Tuffnut started to shouting about something, I opened my eyes, but I relaxed as soon as I realized it's false alarm. I got used to the silent nights, the sudden loud noises means danger this time of the day... nevermind.

Now everyone sat around the fire... aaaand they were getting used to the reptiles around them... this looks so idyllic.

Astrid was about to give in, she couldn't fight against Stormfly's cute attempts who tried to copy our position.

The twins did not cared about the dragon behind them, they were arguing about which head is more dangerous... okay, why was I expecting more?

Snotlout was scared like a little kitten, but tried to act tough... which meant to act like he is the superior one. Yap. This is the only one thing that you should not try with a nightmare... he will be chewed that's for sure. ... I told you. Deafening scream, even the dragon let go of him! However he still got tail slap.

Fishleg's eyes were sparkling, he must have recognized he won't be harmed, or just simply his curiosity won against the fear. He was examining Toothless... I often forget most of the people haven't seen a night fury and Toothless is sooo close now. I understand. I was the same when I first met with him... at least after I tried to cut.

The comfortable silence (expect the vivid twins) soon turn into a more uncomfortable as the time passed. My pillow's stomach growled, and closely followed mine. I barely kept myself from laughing, but suddenly everyone's else did it too. We busted out laughing.

- Okay, lets get something to eat.

I stood up and the scauldrons raised their head and waited for their objective or order but I hate the last one so I call it objective. I got used to telling them what to do, nowadays I don't even bother myself with the though I am just bossing around.

However Toothless gently pulled me back neither of us wanted me get sick. I let him shove me back to the warm place where I sat.

- Hey, are you feeling better?

- Yeah!

- Could you bring some food?

- Of course! The least we can do for your favor!

- Thank you so much...

They disappeared.

*Astrid* - They went for food?

- Yap.

*Astrid* - Seriously? You just ordered the scauldrons to get food???

- Um, yeah? Don't worry they know how to hunt without adding poison in, so we can eat it.

*Snotlout* - It's way too easy maaaan!

- And? I've never had food problems since I live with dragons.

*Astrid* - So you haven't been living with... them always? How long have you been living with them?

- ... I've already told too much.

*Fishleg* - Ummm...

- What?

*Fishleg* - ...nothing...

- Say it, if you started it...

*Fishleg* - ... um... we left Gobber....

- ... Oh. Um. Ups? Could somebody bring here? This big guy probably won't let me go... - I said as I poked Toothless who looked me with challenging impression. Yap. He won't let me go anytime soon... however there's no volunteers... than I'll ask the dragons. - Hey, is there someone who could bring here the unconscious guy here? The one who was knocked out at the very beginning.

*nightmare* - I'll do it!

- Take your human with you. He will love it.

*nightmare* - Of course!

With that he threw Snotlout on his back who screamed like a little girl until he had a good grip on his horns. I managed to watch this amazing the scene with poker face. Hehe. That's for being rude to me for years!

- Ummm... Whisperer?

- Yes, double head?

- What are their intentions?

The twins were hanging from their horns, and tried to open their mouth. What the heck.

- Maybe they want to look into your mouth?

The two head looked at each other with unreadable expression than opened their mouth. The twins happily tug their head into their mouth. Okaaaay... I face palmed, sighed and tried not to wonder about what's going on in their mind.

Astrid was still deep in her thought, not really doing anything beside staring the fire.

However I'm a bit concerned about Fishleg... he still looks like he is about to piss in his pants if he hadn't done it already. The gronkel is a bit distanced than the usual... but both of them seems to lighten up as time pass...

Gobber was placed near to the fire, and soon our dinner arrived: a huge pile of fish, a few seagull for Stormfly, and rocks for the gronkel.

The water creatures happily stood over their work, they were soooo soooo happy they could do something for me... I hate when dragons adore me. I'm not a hero, I'm far from that! ... if I looked around in the island instead of having fun, they wouldn't have been caught in the first place! Their cuts on their skin looks horrible even if I know these wounds will heal. Eventually. 

I accepted their gifts, It would be rude to decline... even if the dragons don't care about it, I still feel like I have to show how much I appreciate their effort. So I got a good looking fish for myself  although I've lost my appetite after an another good look at their wound.

(A/N Okay... the amount of ideas that I had for this chapter (after totally forgetting my original idea)... omg... from attacking Snotlout for calling the dragon beasts, to competition between the nadder and the nightmare... too many ideas, than I realized they are kinda outofcharacter... I save my every writing, and I collect the ones that I didn't like into a "trash" chapter... and now it's over 9000 word xDDD I'm sorry for taking so much time to update!)

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