24. Fresh air

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(A/N Action time! Sry for the late update but the chapter is longer than the usual! :3
Okay. So the truth is I realized again, put my idea pieces together is way more harder than I thought it will be...
and thx! Over 2k view! *-*)

Hiccup's POV

I'm sooo boooored!

I slept through the day, and now I'm wide awake! The sky was soooo sooo promising, so beautiful, so perfect, and I can't go outside! Toothless was nice, it's an unusual adverb to discribe him, he haven't mentioned it's my fault he is stuck to the ground. More or less... but he still refused to fly without me and it's worries me. I know how much it means to every dragon.

- Hey bud, shall we go out?

*Toothless* - No! You shouldn't even walk around!

- Than I won't, but you can carry me around.

*Toothless* - ....

- You carry me, we sit down somewhere, and I promise I won't move. I just go crazy inside. Please?

*Toothless* - ... okay. But if you worsen your current state, I'll beat you up!

- Understood!

I got some warm clothes, than I mounted him, and lay down, I trust his stealth skills. I closed my eyes. I have to get well as soon as possible, there's a lot undone, I must finish these, because I don't want to know how the others react if they see this mess. I took a deep breath, now it was chilling cold. As I opened my eyes, I could see my breath, it was like smoke. Hehe.

We did not go far. He flew down from the cliff, and where we couldn't be seen from the docks he found a little platform where we sat down. The sea's sweet salty scent hit us as the waves attacked the cliff.

- Who would have thought we end up here someday.

*Toothless* - Yeah. It's really nice here...

- Expect the bloodthirsty inhabitants.

We stared to the horizon for a while, we saw scauldrons raising their heads from the water and a little pack of terrible terrors flying by, before we decided we should head back, we landed on the cliff.... um...

- Hello Astrid!

*Astrid* - What are you doing out here?! You'll be seen and you need to rest!

- Chill down, We've just taken a little break.

*Astrid* - Are you always that reckless?!

- Ummmm...

*Astrid* - You are crazy.

- You are not the first who is telling me that...

*Astrid* - You are saying that like you are not.

- Hehe. Um....

She started to laugh. Um.

*Astrid* - I'm out of my mind. I'm arguing with the most wanted and dangerous person. Again.

- Oh. That's have been bothering you? I should have known. Really, if I wanted to mean harm I could have. Toothless could have. But you saved me! I'm glad, and I owe you! Just look at me like I was a simple guy.

*Astrid* - You ask the impossible.

- Heh. Nah I'm not that special...

*Astrid* - Of course.

We went back, where Gothi scold us for this little tour, like I expected. We went upstairs, when I finally got myself comfortable under my blanket, Toothless was already enjoying the scratching from Astrid.

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