Chapter 44: Cause of Great Joy

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A/N: I just love this song! Who else remember this song?

Vincent's POV

I kept thinking about Charlotte and I am really worried of her pale and sick-evident face. I sighed and faced the whole marketing team.

"I have read all your proposals for the upcoming promotional activities needed to be done to increase the sales of Helmart. Good job, everyone! Your ideas impressed me, but I'm afraid your sleepless nights have just began." I said curtly and tugged back the papers inside the folders. "I need separate teams to implement certain activities. I will assign Ms. Adams on this since she is the current vice president in the marketing division. I believe she will guide you to the right path, teach you things that need improvements." I turned to Ms. Adams and she gave me a nod that shows I can trust her on this one.

"This is not just any project, this is the annual celebration of Helmart since it was established. I want an excellent event that not only will increase sales but would also increase customer equity." I spoke again and now my tone is even more serious. They all nodded back and some were taking notes. This is what I like about my employees. They are all determined and serious of their tasks.

I pushed my chair backward and stand on my feet. "Meeting's adjourned. Vivian come with me," I motioned my secretary to follow me outside.

"I want an update every now and then on the progress for this event. I want no flaws, this is very important. Also, I want you to keep an eye on all divisions. Make sure there are no any difficulties between the cross-functional teams. Tell Ms. Adams to give me a report before tomorrow noon." I instructed her and she wrote everything on her notepad. Before leaving, I spoke to her once more. "I'm taking the day off, as I have other matters to attend to. If there's a problem, call me... but I would like it more if you wouldn't disturb me. Understood?"

I didn't look at her again as I preceded to the elevator. I quickly dialed my girlfriend's number — eager to hear her voice, making sure that she is fine.

"Hey," I said and I hear her breath unevenly. "You don't sound so good. Let's get you to the hospital."

"I'll be fine here, Vince. I'm just tired, that's all." She sighed and I knew instantly that she is not fine.

"I'm near the lobby, wait for me. I will bring you to the hospital whether you like it or not." I said in a demanding tone. I know she will be pissed off but I don't care. I want to make sure she's really fine.

The elevator clicked and I stepped out. As I was nearing the lobby, I saw Charlotte looking very sick. Her hands moved to her head made few nudges but her whole body starting to pass out. I quickly ran to her and caught her body just before it hits the ground.

I shook her body slowly but to no response. "Fucking grab me a cab, now!" I yelled at the receptionist, who rushed outside. I stood up and carefully lifting Charlotte in my arms. If I wait for my own car, it will take minutes before the driver could make it. I won't take any risks, especially with Charlotte's unconscious body in my arms.

Inside the cab, I carefully placed Charlotte's head on my shoulder as I wrapped both arms around her waist. "You're gonna be alright. Hold on, baby." I whispered. This is exactly what I fear. I can't bare losing her again. If something happened to her for not taking good care of Charlotte, I will never forgive myself.

"I'll pay you double. Just go at your max speed." I said to the driver who immediately nodded and drove us to the nearest hospital.


I was starting to lose my patience as I continually paced back and forth outside the emergency room. My whole body started to sweat and I clasped my hands together. "Please, don't let anything happen to my girl." I prayed and really hope she will wake up soon.

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