Chapter 47: Jasper

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One week left before my due date and my mood swings are getting worse and worse. I'm so thankful for Vince has been very caring and understanding for those times I would cry and then explode on anger. There was this one time where I was trying out dresses and none of it fit me well because of my pregnant stomach. I look awful and therefore I throw a tantrum at the store. It was very embarrassing because I even got upset from the sales clerk. I am never going back there and hopeful they would forget about me.

"Would you still want me even if I'm this fat?" My voice quivered and I turn to Vincent for cuddle. Vince ran his hand smoothly on my back and say comforting words to me. "No matter what size you are, I would still want you. I love you so much, my precious angel. And you are not fat, there is just a baby growing inside of you that's all. I'm so excited to meet our baby boy."

Then suddenly a sharp pain coursed through my lower abdomen and I winced loudly. "Vince, I think the baby is coming." I yelled almost after another pain hit me. "Hurry up and bring me to the hospital!"

"But the doctor said it's due in another week, you must have been mistaken." Vince grew in panic and I hissed. "Well then why don't you tell your son to get back, huh. Whatever, just bring me to the hospital you asshole!"

Vince went around my room to find my prepared hospital bag and I almost laugh of seeing him at very panic mode. Then I was carefully led down the stairs and in to the car as we sped off the hospital.

"What do I do, Charlotte?" Vince started to ramble. "Should I call the doctor? Should I call my mom?—"

"Just focus on the road and do those things once I am inside the operation room! You're stressing me out!" I hissed and tried to calm myself down as the pain is becoming more and more unbearable.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Vince whispered as he glanced at me quickly. "Hold on, we are almost there."

After eight hours in labor, our son who weighs 7kg is finally born. I couldn't help but cry because I'm too happy and that my small baby is in my arms. "Vince, he's so beautiful." I whispered.

Vince came closer and carefully held the baby's small hand as he too became teary eyed. "He's my son. He's so precious. Thank you Charlotte, I love you both so much!" He beamed and I just shook my head. "I love you more, my love."

"What are we going to name him?" I asked Vince. I knew how much he wanted a little boy and I would always support him. I knew that he has lots of names in mind because just last month I went to check on his stuff and found a notebook filled with baby names. This man would definitely be the death of me.

"How about Vincent jr," he smirked and I frowned. He knew I don't like naming babies with junior because they deserve the right of having their own name. One that didn't have to pass down on to someone. Not that I am against it or what but I want them to grow and develop as a person and be looked upon their name and not the name that is being passed on. Seeing the frown on my face, he chuckled and replied. "I'm just kidding. I know exactly what to name our prince."

I grinned and asked. "What?"

"Vincent Jasper Crawford," he proudly stated and I snickered back teasing him a bit. "You just couldn't let go of not naming your son after you, could you?"

"I did what you like, there is no junior." He laughed and went back to gaze on his child. He was more father material than I thought. He's going to make a great father, I'm sure of that and I couldn't be more thankful to have him. I finally gave in and nodded. "Alright, Vincent Jasper it is. You are going to be just like your dad, my dearest baby Jasper." I whispered as Vince kissed my forehead.

Then suddenly there was a soft knock on the door. "We came here as fast as we heard the news. Where's our little angel?" My mother-in-law grinned and I feel excited for her. "Here is Vincent Jasper," I said proudly as Vince hand over our baby to his mother.

"Oh my God! He is so cute! He got your eyes, Vincent!" His mom exclaimed and snuggled closer to her grandchild. "Hi there little one. I am your grandma, and I'm going to spoil you so much my angel." She said and I shook my head worriedly.

Oh god. I sighed.

"Hey, let me have him." My dad-in-law whined and we couldn't help but laugh. Seeing the both of them care and love their grandchild makes me cry for more happy tears. Vince came to sit beside me on the bed and we both watched his parents snuggling and having a good time with baby Jasper.

"I don't think I'll ever touch my baby," I joked and enjoy the parental fighting to carry our baby. I knew they wanted a grandchild for so long and I'm so glad I could give them that. "Look at them. They couldn't leave his sight for a second!" Vince just laugh with me and he suddenly turned to me and gave me a quick kiss. I blushed and scolded. "Your parents are still here!"

"They are too occupied my precious one."

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