Chapter 15: I Can't Marry You

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Charlotte's POV

Vince held my hands and looked directly in my eyes. "I promise that you'll be the only girl I think of day and night, but to be honest, you have been in my mind since the day we met. I'm so sorry for the times I'm a bother to you. I will control my temper, from now on. I will never go against you...especially when you are on your period. I love you, and I would love you more if you are my girlfriend. What do you say?"

I stared at him for a few seconds before he spoke again, this time it was merely a whisper. "Please make me the happiest man alive and say yes,"

I got teary-eyed with his words. I can't believe I have met someone so genuine like him. He never left my mind too, since the day we met. I've finally decided that I will take this risk and join him in this crazy roller coaster ride. I grinned and nodded but not before I jumped at him.

Vincent froze and then slightly pushed me away. He held my waist in a tight embrace and looked directly in my eyes.

"I'll be your girlfriend." I grinned.

"Seriously?" He asked and I nodded at him. "I thought I have to prepare an extravagant date before you agree with me." Vincent said and chuckled.

I sighed and spoke again. "I would love those but I'm not one of those hopeless romantics."

He kissed my forehead and then smiled. "I knew that you were different. Not only you're beautiful on the outside but you're even more beautiful on the inside."

Those words that just came out from his own mouth really surprised me. I never thought a cold asshole like him would ever say that.

The girl interrupted and snaked her hands around Vincent's arm causing me to release my grip from him.

Vincent tried to peel her hands off but she gripped harder, and my anger flew out. "If you don't remove your filthy hands off my boyfriend any sooner, I'll make sure you can't feel your legs later...don't try me." I gave her my deadliest glare and she finally removed her hands from Vincent but doesn't make a move of her feet.

"What are you still waiting for? Go look for a guy that can stand your desperation." I smiled, note the sarcasm there please.

She huffed and then walked out. Vincent's arm wrapped itself on my waist and whispered, which instantly gave me shivers. "Your jealous side is even hotter, you know..." Then he gave me soft kisses on my neck. I quickly turned around and huffed. "Trust me, it's very ugly."

"Why don't I take you on a real date tonight?" He said huskily and slowly moved his hands on my side.

"I would..."

Before I get to finish, Xavier came running towards us and held his hand up to stop us. "Guys, I need you to help me!"

"Dude what's wrong?" Vincent asked. I looked at Xavier worriedly too, wondering what the problem is.

"I want to ask Danielle to be my girlfriend and I don't know how." Xavier said and nervously scratched his hair, which only made him more nervous.

I gave him a shocked expression and then it turned into a big grin. "Of course, this is really exciting, I'm so happy for you both!"

"It's too early to be happy just yet, Charlotte. I don't even know if she likes me back." Xavier sighed and I shrugged. "Trust me on this."

"I knew I came to the right person." Xavier chuckled and Vince just gave a teasing smile.

"She loves roses, pink roses to be exact. Unlike me, she's more into those romantic stuffs. So I suggest a romantic dinner near the water and fireworks while you guys are there." I chirped while tapping my chin.

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