Q & A

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I have just received my very first fan-made banner! I'm so, so happy! You sent in on my email, but there's no name saying who it was from. Thank you very much stranger! I loved it so much. Also, I would appreciate it if you could tell me your name.

Before the next update, I just want to clarify on few things first:

1. How old are Vincent and Charlotte now?

23 and 22 yrs old, respectively.

2. What happened to the Virgin Game?

It was mentioned in Chapter 18 that Ian Hastings had ended the game, for good. It was obvious Vincent won.

3. Who sent Charlotte the xyz note in Chapter 3?

It was just a silly threat sent by one of the boys in school.

4. Who is Kate Gillan?

She is one of Vincent's one night standbut this girl is too obsessed, obviously.

5. If she's that obsessed, why return just now?

Her parents sent her to study college somewhere.

6. How did Vincent and Kate met?

Cliché as this sounds... they met at this school party, got drunk, and ended up having sex.

7. What course did Vincent, Charlotte, Xavier, and Danielle took in college?

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Entrepreneurship program

8. Why is that Charlotte's parents are not on her birthday?

They are very busy, and have a lot of businesses to take care of abroad.

9. How many chapters left before the ending of Ms Chaste?

Maybe 20 more chapters to go, until then.

10. Will there be a sequel?

•I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know once the story is done.


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