Chapter 25: Expect The Unexpected To Be Expected

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Vincent's POV

"Danielle?" I asked and stood up from my desk. She is carrying baby Chantelle in her arms while Xavier is standing beside her.

"Dude, I'm sorry but she insisted on coming today. She wanted to help too, with the interior designing thing." Xavier chuckled slowly and rubbed his temple.

I cleared my throat and smiled. "Of course... What can I do? She is already here." Danielle gave me a teasing glare while Xavier laughed at me.

"So who is this designer that you hired?" Danielle asked me while gently settling Chantelle on her lap.

"She runs the shop Serendipity." I answered and she nodded approvingly. "I haven't met the owner but I have seen her shop and it was really nice! The exterior of the shop says it all that she is really a professional."

"Vince, why don't we settle in the conference room right now? I'm sure she's on her way right now." Xavier suggested and we all nodded.

We are now sitting down in one of my conference room, waiting for the owner of Serendipity. There was a knock on the door. "Sir, the interior designer is here. Should I send her in already?" My assistant asked. I nodded my head in permission of letting her in.

The door opened and my jaw dropped, my eyes widened in shock. "Charlotte..." I whispered and stood up immediately from my chair. She looked exactly the same two years ago last I saw her, except she is more beautiful and breathtaking now. Her outfit hugged her body perfectly, showing the exact curves she possessed. Those adorable eyes, her full pink lips... Oh, how I missed that smile of hers!

(Pic of Charlotte above)

Wait, she's looking at me and she is... smiling?

"Cha!" Danielle squealed and ran towards her before gently give Xavier the baby. She hugged Charlotte tightly and burst in tears, on the other hand, Charlotte is standing with her eyes in shock.

"Hey Charlotte! It's nice seeing you again; I see you're okay now." Xavier grinned at her and Charlotte's jaw dropped.

I don't get it... why is she acting weird?

She snapped out from her thoughts and gently pushing Danielle away. My eyes widened at her sudden action.

Did she just pushed Danielle away?

"I-I'm sorry b-but... Who are you guys?"

She smiled awkwardly and rubbed her hair a bit. She looked so foolishly adora-

What does she mean by who are we?

"Cha, what are you saying? I'm Danielle, your best friend since forever!" Danielle said and tears started forming on her naked eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I lost all my memories 2 years ago and I haven't recovered yet." She said slowly and all our eyes widened in shock and our jaw dropped.

"What?" I gasped. It took all of my strength to stop myself from going to hug and kiss her, giving her all my comfort.

"You're not kidding! I can't believe this... Didn't uncle Charles and aunt Eleanor tell you anything?" Danielle asked and went to hug her again.

I saw her eyes tearing up. "I...they... uh..." Then she sobbed heavily. I quickly approached her and guide her to sit down. "Charlotte, what happened?" I asked slowly.

She looked at me shaking her head while crying. "They are dead..." She cried again and I hugged her this time.

"Oh God, I'm sorry..." I whispered at her.

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