Chapter 8: Truth Or Dare

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Charlotte's POV

I have been over the phone with Dee for an hour already, talking and explaining about dad's condition - both physical and emotional. I talked to her about my what ifs earlier and she got mad at me. I don't blame her though, who would keep thinking about those unimportant matter when the only thing I should focus now is my dad and my mom. Both of their happiness is also my happiness.

I walked over to the bed and I saw my dad lying down peacefully on his queen-sized bed. I couldn't help but forgive him already, like nothing happened.

"Hey," my dad whispered and opened his eyes. I smiled in return and waved. "Did I wake you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Princess, come here..." He said and I did what he told me to. I sat beside him on the bed, he looked at me with sad eyes.

"You know...I remember," He said and my eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean, dad?"

"I never really has forgotten, sweetheart."

"But I thought you said...and the doctor said..." I muttered and furrowed my eyebrows.

"After the accident, I realized how important you and your mom is to me; how I love you and your mom and I couldn't afford to lose you both. I realized I had been so unfair, especially to your mom. I'm so sorry sweetheart, I shouldn't have done what I have done. I know I couldn't turn back the time and I couldn't erase the pain that is there in your heart, but I hope that maybe I could still make it up to you both..."

Tears fell down my cheeks. "It's alright, dad." I cried. "I'm so sorry too, I shouldn't have talked to you like that on the phone. I had been a stubborn daughter...I'm sorry."

He pulled me in for a big hug. "No, sweetheart...don't feel sorry. I understand, its alright now." He said as I nodded, pulling away from the hug.

"Look at you, you're ugly when you cry." My father said and I laughed while wiping the tears from my face.

"I'm just kidding, my little princess is beautiful no matter what." My dad smiled and I kissed his cheek.

Suddenly a squeaky female voice appeared. "What happened in here?" We both turned to see mom standing at the door way, obviously she's been crying too.

"Don't tell your mom, I don't want to bring up what has happened." My dad whispered, low enough for me to hear.

I understood immediately and nodded in return. "I'll leave both of you alone now," I said teasingly and went to hug my mom.

Before I leave, I glanced back at them and this scene really touched my heart. My mom still stayed even though my dad has cheated on her. I'm glad my dad decided to stay either, I mean he did regret his decision of leaving us.

I just hope it stays like this forever.


After two weeks being absent from my classes, it's time to go back to school. Mom and dad decided to stay in Paris, while dad is still recovering. This time I didn't mind at all, I know they need time to make it up for one another and I don't want to be an interference to them. Besides, where else be a better place to make up than Paris, huh.

Checking myself out on the mirror one last time before I am ready to go.

(Pic of her outfit is on the side)

When I stepped in the campus, there are posters of a girl with a big question mark everywhere. What is this? Has Vincent been looking around of me? It's been only two weeks and I think I have missed a lot of things. But heck, the dance was almost three weeks ago.

I went searching for Dee and I saw her at the basketball court so I hurriedly walked up to her. "Dee!" I beamed. She beamed back and hugged me. "Cha, so glad you're back."

"What's with the posters?" I whispered at her.

"Oh, forgot to tell you, prince charming was looking for you!" She yelped as I instantly covered her mouth with my hand. "Keep it down!" I scolded.

"You know...sooner or later he is going to find out." She teased and smirked.

I sighed. She is right, why am I still even hiding from him? "Then let him." I shrugged. "Anyways, I'm going to class...I'll see you later?" I grinned and sent her a flying kiss.

"Later, bitch!" She gave me one flying kiss too before walking away. I shook my head and laughed, she can be a pain in the ass sometimes.


"What the hell?" I yelped as I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I was hit by a basketball, and that really hurts!

"Oops...sorry!" Said a familiar male voice. I froze, as I recognized that voice. It belongs to Vincent. Why do I keep bumping in to him in a way of embarrassing myself too?

He lend me his hand, and with no choice left I gracefully accepted it. I stood and had an eye contact with Vincent. He looked at me but this time it was different, he was staring. "It's alright." I faked a smile to stop this awkwardness.

"You look familiar...very familiar..." He said but was pulled abruptly by some basketball player. "Hey...come on, we got a game to play!"

Ignoring them and without second thinking, I quickly walked out. I thought I heard someone shouted wait but I don't want to assume things, and I am in a hurry of escaping either.

That was close! So close. I was almost unmasked, but honestly, half of me wished that he recognized me and would have at least remembered my voice. Who am I's too good to be true for someone like him to like someone like me. I can't help but overthink things. I can't help but also think that this is like playing cards...if you lie, you'll face the consequences. Just like what happened earlier, I kept denying to Dee, then a while ago I was hit by a ball. Karma hits me too fast...but hey, where did I do wrong?


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