Chapter 32: Trying To Get To Know Her

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Charlotte's POV

I don't know how can helping people makes you so happy, it's like closing a big deal or something even bigger. The family of Fransisco is such a darling and I cannot be more happier that I bumped into them.

I walked back just in time for the meeting with the Brazilian's son. I can't wait to get this meeting over with.

"Ms Charlotte -"

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the elevator. "For the third time, I know Jen. Now,where's the client?"

" the conference room, miss." She stuttered and I sighed but smiled. "Go fetch us some coffee, Jen." I feel bad for snapping at her.

I walked my way to the room and prepared the files for Mr Milleagro. I hope this meeting will be a quick one. Just after 5 minutes, someone knocked on the door. A good looking, tall-framed, well-toned man came in. To be honest, after I've met Vincent, no one can pull it better than him. Wait, why did I mention his name again?

That name is banned.

(Pic of Lucas above)


"Mr Milleagro," I formally greeted and extended my right hand. "Nice to finally meet you in person."

"Ms Chaste, the pleasure is mine. Thank you for sparing your time." He said deeply and shook my hand.

"Let's take a seat first, Mr Milleagro," I said and motioned to the seats. He nodded but then added. "Lucas."

I looked at him and he smiled. "My name's Lucas."

I smiled while extending my hand grabbing the folders on the table. "So here are the designs I wanted to show you for your hotel, Lucas."

He scanned through the folders and smirked. "I am very impress. My father's right, you are good."

I blushed and then commented. "Your father is too kind, but thank you."

"It's settled then. Email to me the rest of the details and we'll set up a meeting again. I just want the best for this hotel, and I trust you with that." He said and I nodded professionally.

"Yes, Serendipity never fails."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Of course, let's take Infinity Bar for example. You did a really great job with the exterior and interior of the club. Vincent Crawford has been bragging it in the media for weeks since its opening." I looked at him and kept quiet the moment he mentioned his name. Vince never took my work for granted, that's so nice of him.

He looked at me and then cocked sideways. "I'm sorry to mention but I heard about what had happened to you before." My eyes widened and was about to say something but he was quicker. "Serendipity... beautiful word but couldn't it have double meaning?

"Mr Milleagro," I started but he shook his head. "Lucas,"

I said and he nodded his head while his fingers giving me a thumbs up. "Better."

He's funny. I chuckled a little and then continued. "I wish not to discuss my personal life here. You are my client and I am here to do my job. What had happened in my past life, let's just say it's not beautiful."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere, Charlotte." He sighed and close the folder.

"To brighten up your mood, let me share something about myself. Not everyone with loaded wallets got a happy life too. I've met this girl few years ago at this bar. After several drinks we lost control and I brought her to my-"

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