I frowned, I hated my father. He had to ruin my life, not Roxie's, but mine. "I really would love too, but I can't. I have to screw with someone's engagement party." Ronan laughed, "You cease to surprise me." "I do what I can. But, maybe we can meet for some ice cream."

"That sounds great. What time do you want me to pick you up?" "I'll call you. Okay?" "Yeah, okay. See you later." "Bye, Ronan." I sighed, hanging up. This whole situation was fucked up. My dad loses a major bet and I'm forced to marry some asshole dude who thinks its okay to touch me without my permission. Worst is, I can't even have a relationship with Ronan. Thank you daddy dearest.

"So, was that your boyfriend?" Harley asked. I jumped and clutched my hand over my heart, "Look, I am too young to have a heart attack, but try not to do that again. And no, that was my 'almost' boyfriend, until my father and your brother fucked it up."

"I know he doesn't want to get married either, my dad is only forcing him to get married because he's the poster child for 'wild child'." "Great," I mumbled, dryly.

Harley tossed her brown hair over her shoulder and started digging around in her suitcase for something. "What are you looking for?" At that moment I really could care less what she was looking for, but I was making conversation. "Shoes, I have a ton but I can't figure out what I want to wear with this dress." She was wearing a red and white checkered sundress and she was staring at about fifty shoes in one massive suitcase.

I walked over to her and grabbed a pair of white point toed shoes, "These are perfect, or you can go with the red ones. Either one works." "Thanks," She said smiling. I shrugged, "Anytime." By the time we were dressed and ready to go there was a knock on the door. "Are you guys ready?" Roxie asked. I knew it was her before I opened the door because of her whiney voice. I opened the door and nearly gasped.

She was wearing a very low cut blue dress, with black stilettos'. "And you were complaining that I looked like a slut today." I said, pushing past her. Harley followed close behind me and we walked downstairs. The Emerson's and my parents were already downstairs waiting and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson smiled at Harley and me.

"Brynn, Harley, you two look so beautiful." Roxie mumbled something under her breath. Obviously pissed off that they hadn't said anything about the way she was dressed. She should be glad, because it probably wouldn't have been nice. "Thank you." I smiled. Even though I didn't like their son, I still liked them.

My smile disappeared as Bentley rounded the corner with the Emerson brothers. I heard a low whistle and I glared at Payton. "You. Look. Hot." He said looking me over very slowly. "I wish I could say the same for you." I shot back. Blane and Travis laughed. To tell the truth they all looked great. All of them decked out in black tuxedos, white shirts, and light blue tie.

"Feisty. I like that. Well, we should be leaving now." Payton walked over to me and held out his hand, "May I?" I looked at his hand, "No. I'm perfectly capable of walking to a car." Travis and Blane laughed again and Payton glared at them. Obviously, Payton was used to having girls fling themselves on him and he was thrown that I wasn't doing it.

"I asked nicely the first time." He whispered, grabbing my hand and daring me to struggle. "You are a complete ass. And I will make you miserable." I whispered back, our parents were smiling as we got into the limo. Harley climbed in behind us, "Harley, come ride with the rest of us. We would like these two to get to know more about each other." Mr. Emerson said, poking his head in after her.

"Okay." Harley turned to me and mouthed, "Sorry." Before leaving. As soon as the door closed, the driver started down the driveway. "So, about making my life miserable...is that a threat or promise?" Payton asked cockily. "It was a promise. And I'm so good at keeping those." I said, sweetly. He had no idea who he was messing with.

Payton's POV:

Brynn totally looked better than she did in that picture. I was glad I didn't have to marry some ugly scrawny girl. Brynn was filled out in all the right places, feisty or not, we were perfect for each other. If only she would figure it out.

"Look, Payton," Brynn's blue/green eyes flashed with anger, "I don't care who you think you are, but I don't like you. I won't like you. You're a stupid, egotistical, rude, jerk who thinks he can just walk into my house and just grab me like I'm your property and you have got it all wrong! I will make you miserable...and note to self, I will divorce you if our parents really make me marry you."

I couldn't contain myself anymore, I burst out laughing. "Are you finished?" I asked between chuckles. "Fuck you." "The longer you keep fighting this the more you will fall in love with me. I'm telling you now, you will marry me no matter what and I'm pretty sure you need my signature to make the divorce final. And I'm not gonna sign it." I smiled smugly.

I saw he clench her jaw shut and I couldn't help but smile bigger. "You know, deep down inside you will start falling in love with me, if you got to know me better and that is what scares you. Maybe you should give US a chance."

Brynn glared at me, "There is no 'US'. I won't ever fall in love with you; I'm not scared of falling in love with you because I don't fall in love with egotistical dick heads. So shut up and leave me alone."

"You are one tough nut to crack." "I'll crack your nuts if you don't leave me alone." Brynn shot back. "Look, your feistyness is turning me on." I could see her quickly glance at my crotch and her cheeks turned bright red. "Bite me, asshole."

"When, where, and how hard?" This was becoming pretty amusing. "I wish you would just shut up and leave me alone." She muttered looking out of the window. "If you promise to be nice to me, I might leave you alone." Brynn actually laughed, "Chances of that happening are slim to none." "Well, then I think we have a problem, don't we?" I smiled when she started to curse under her breath. This was proving very entertaining.


Sorry it took so long to write! :( I've been super busy.

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