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"No absolutely not!" Yells Zehira slamming her fist down on the table that we are all standing around. After a day of me detoxing the alcohol out of my body and having the pack doctor Edwards dad apparently look over my physical and mental health we are now in Starks second office standing around a table discussing to let me talk to Edward. I want answers from him now that I know he is alive and has me asking more questions than before.

"Zehira I have a right to know what happened that day as much as you do and I'm willing to go and find out the truth!" I say to her as she gives me look. Shaking her head she runs her hands trough her hair as the others watch me and my sister argue about my choice.

"He hurt you once and destroyed our family once I'm not letting him do it again Zarola." She says pleading with me.

"He won't be able to not this time." I say with confidence as she studies my face. After about two minutes she lets out a breath and sits down in the chair behind her.

"Fine but Stark has to be there with you." She says as I nod agreeing to her terms.

"I have to get back to Kieran and Pandora to relay the message that you are fine and that I'm a few weeks we will be meeting for the war plans." Says Zehira as she gets up looking at me as she pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back as she speaks to me low enough to where I can only hear her.

"Be safe don't let him get to you. Trust him if only your wolf trust him." She says looking into my eyes as she holds my face in her hands and I nod.

'He better have a good fucking explanation or he is going to regret ever crossing our path.' Says my wolf as I agree with her. A knock is heard at the door as Stark allows them to enter. The pack doctor along with his Mate and their daughter and Edward walk through the door. Edwards eye make contact with mine instantly as I erase any emotion from them.

"Sorry for the intrusion you wanted to see us Alpha Luna?" Says the pack doctor as his mate looks over to me and Stark with a questionable look.

"Yes we need to talk to your son Eric." Says Stark as Eric eyes widen and he turns his attention to his son Edward. His sister turns her head to her brother as she steps closer to him defensively while me and him haven't stopped staring at each other the whole time they have talked.

"Why is that? What has my son done?" Says Eric's mate who is looking between me and Edward.

"It's okay mom I knew this day would come sooner or later." Says Edwards deep voice which stirs my wolf making her presence known to him. The girl lets out a low growl which Edward hushes her for.

"Rosie hush not now this is the Luna and Alpha show respect." He says as she looks at me and Stark.

"But the girl looks a lot like the child you told stories about when we were little." She says as that catches my attention.

"Shhh." He says looking towards me as the couple share a glance at each other.

"Let's all sit down this may take a while." Says Stark as he motions for us to sit. I sit next to Stark while Eric and his mate site across from us with the two on either side of them Rosie with her mother and Edward with Eric.

"Have you ever heard of the names Marcella and Drake Vixen before Eric and....?"

"Layla my name is Layla Luna." Says Layla as I smile at her gently.

"Thank you as I was saying have you heard of them before?" I ask as they share a look than answer me.

"Why yes they were the Alpha and Luna of the original pack we were in ages ago." They both say as I nod taking in the info.

"I am their daughter Zarola Vixen. My sister Zehira would have been here also but she had other things to tend to." I say as their eyes widen in surprise learning my name.

"Bless my stars Marcella had her twins." Says Eric with tears in his eyes.

"Yes mum and dad found shelter in the hunters association where we grew up in. However they are not alive today." I say sadly as they look at me with sympathy.

"We are sorry to hear that but I don't get what this has anything to to with my son?" Says Layla as she looks to Edward who not for a second taken his eyes off me.

"Yes actually it has everything to do with him." I say as he sighs looking to his parents.

"Rosie was being threatened while she was still a baby. We had just merged with the Silver moon pack and the old beta was threatening Rosie if I didn't do what he asked." Says Edward as his parents look at him confused and shocked.

"What did you do Edward." Says His father with a warning tone.

"He wanted me to join the association as an orphan to get close to Marcella and Drakes daughters. I ended up getting close with Zarola. When the time was right I was suppose to cause a distraction so he and his partner can get to Marcella and Drake." He says looking down in shame.

"His distraction was injuring me enough to cause both my parents to lose concentration to where in return their lives were ended in front of me." I say without missing a beat as both of them look at me with utter shock and horror. Given Edwards reasons I would have done the same in his shoes. That alone gives me some sympathy towards him but that doesn't excuse the fact he could have said something to mum and dad. They would have helped him hell I would have to.

"Edward why didn't you tell us? All the times you went missing for weeks was because you were with the alpha and Luna?" Says his mother as he nods in agreement. Layla is now in tears while Eric hugs her shaking form trying to calm her down.

"Now that you know the full truth what are you going to do Zarola." He says as I sigh rubbing my face with my hands.

'We protect our own thats wolf nature he was protecting his family. I don't see an inch of darkness or malicious intent in him. I say we leave it at this. He has been through enough he must have gone years thinking you we're dead.' Says Artemis as I chuckle at her more gentle nature coming through.

"Nothing. I found out what I needed to know I won't punish you for my parents deaths." I say as he looks at me with utter shock.

"Thank you Luna for sparing our son." Says a sniffling Layla.

"He was protecting someone dear to him if it was me I would have done the same so would have my parents." I say as Stark intertwines my fingers with his. I smile at him as he smirks at me back.

"You may leave now if you so wish Eric and Layla." Says Stark as they nod getting up heading for the door Edward stays put which makes me raise an eyebrow.

"Something wrong Edward?" I ask as he takes a breath and releases it.

"I want to make it up to you." He says as everybody trains their eyes on him.

"I want my bestfriend back." He says as I squint my eyes at him.

"What your asking is going to take a long time to achieve mister." I say darkly to him as he gulps but stands his ground.

"Doesn't matter I'll do it." He says as Eric and Layla look at each other then back to their son. I look at Stark as he shrugs saying it's up to me.

"Fine just go for now." I say as he smiles getting up and leaving with his family.

"He never changed that annoying ass head." I huff as Stark chuckles.

"Now I see why you guys were best friends he can stare you down and challenge you with out fear." He says as I whip my head to give him a stare.

"Huh really now well then he is going to have to go through hell to even consider me thinking about letting him back in." I say as I cross my arms over my chest and Stark smiles at me. Now for me to focus on the upcoming war.

The Celestial Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن