The Huntress

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The night is the best time for me. It's dark and cold. The night sky is scattered in stars and the moon is full. The woods are quiet except for the piercing scream that came from my last kill. It was a witch who has caused multiple deaths along the country. My employers have assigned me to take her down. I'm the top hunter in our company. I look down at the witch and give her a small prayer.

"May your soul find its way." I say as I light her body on fire. She was my last assignment in this state next is The golden state, California. I was born there but to many memories have kept me from going back. I head to my Black Motorcycle to grab my phone. I see I have a text message from Sillas my boss.

'Meet me at the laughing dead bar I have some information on your next task.' it says. I get on the bike and let it roar to life and head on my way. The laughing dead bar was a few miles away from the forest nearly on the edge of town. I see it is busy as always as I pull up Turing off my bike. I had gone with black boots leather pants and a long sleeve. I have my Black cross tied around my neck. My Red hair is tied back into a pony tail in the sun it looks like fire. I skim the bar and catch Sillas Bright blue hair and start to walk over to him. He eyes me as I sit down next to him. He hands me my most preferred drink which is Tequila. I take a sip as it burns a path down my esophagus. It feels refreshing and calming at the same time.

"So your mission will to be going undercover as a student at Crest-wood High." he says taking a sip of his drink. I nod knowing that their is a pack that attends that school. I have met wolves before and I'm not to fond of them. I have three claw marks from a mistake I made misjudging one before on my back. Its all across it reminding me to never turn my back on a wolf ever again. I also have scars on my neck from a vampire getting his claws in my neck trying to kill me.

"Also your target is going to be a powerful wolf that has gone berserk and attacked multiple victims in the last two months." he says showing me a picture of my target. He is in his thirties dark with Blonde hair. His eyes are black pits that could burn out his soul. He has blood on him in the picture from his last victim that is torn apart. I nod and hand him back the picture.

"His name is Arsen Angelo. He used to be a member to the pack in the town you will be going to. But when they found out he was harming innocent people he was banished." he tells me. Doesn't give you a right to be killing people because you are an exile. Beings like him are why there are people like me. If they would go down their path like they were meant to shit like what happened to my family wouldn't happen. Not everyone gets a happy ending.

"Now the pack there is know as Sliver Moon. They are the most highly know pack their alpha is Stark Malphas." ahh the Malphas family. They used to be close with the Vixens back when my family was still alive. Stark was their sons name. Never met them only herd about them once or twice in my life from what I can remember. Hunters and wolves weren't close but Stark's parents needed their help once in a case.

"When do I leave." I say to Sillas. I have a dark voice that is uncommon for most girls my age. I'm 23 and going back to high school how ironic is this.

"Thought you would never talk. You leave tonight." he says handing me the case file. He gets up and leaves while I sit there for a while drinking my drink.

{In California}

The moon is full and my pack is out having a party in the forest near by. My beta Ajax walks up to me with his mate Lacy. Ajax is built and has a distinct scar that goes over his eye. His black hair looks silver in the moon light. Lacy is slim and a little shorter then her partner. She has dark brown hair that has blonde strips going through it.

"Stark what's wrong how come you aren't joining us in this most perfect night?" Says Ajax.

"Yeah the night is young have fun oh mighty alpha." says Lacy jokingly.

"I don't have a good feeling. Plus I'm watching over everyone sense those murders...." I say but Ajax cuts me off with a serious look.

"Stop tonight is our night stop worrying about us were are stronger then you give us credit for Stark." he says Turing around with a arm around Lacy's shoulder. I know they are but this night seems unsettling to me. My phone vibrates and I have a message.

'We have gotten word that a hunter is heading our way.' it's from my father. He keeps in contact with hunters where I don't like them. There is one I especially don't like. They call him Sniper. However no one knows if it is a he or she. Everyone who is that hunters target doesn't live to tell the tale. I sigh and feel the change in the air as everyone begins to howl towards the sky.

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