The Mate

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I wake up in my bed. Zehira is asleep next to me. My shoulder is in pain and I feel sore. I look and see it's starting to be morning. I sigh. I won't be able to go to school today.. neither will Zehira. Jack knows about me now and I bet he is going to stop by today to get awnsers. Zehira Wakes up and yawns.

"Hey Zo how you feeling." she says looking at me with concern in her face. I probably scared the crap out of her yesterday.

"I feel okay." my voice cracks a little. She nods and goes to Get some food and drinks for us. I lay there and look at my injured shoulder. It has bloody bandages. She is going to have to change them I think to my self.She comes back in with some breakfast and she helps me sit up. Every movement from my shoulder I feel dagger of pain. I wince but tell her not to stop. I am in a sitting position now and begin to eat my food. Zehiras cooking is amazing!! She looks at me whith a smile on her face then it goes away.

"Zo you scared me yesterday. When I saw you in Jack's arms...." she have a very sad look cross her eyes I shake me head.

"Ze I'm not going to leave you never. I couldn't do that." I say giving her a smile. She gives a small smile and gets up to put away the dishes. I feel strong enough to get up so I do and wince from the pain in my shoulder but ignore it so I can go to the balcony. I slowly walk over there cradling my right arm which has the mess up shoulder and take in the fresh air and scenery. The tall tress and green leaves that are all around. The birds that are Begining to chirp. Its calming and soothing. I close my eyes and take in the moment. I hear a knock on our door and hear Zehira say she's getting it. It has to be Jack. I hear Jack enter and a female also. Must Raveena. Zehira has a unsure tone but starts to lead the way to my room. I turn around and see them enter. Jack and Raveena looked awed by my room and walk hesitantly in there as they take it in. I clear my throught and there eyes snap to me. Raveena takes in my shoulder and looks like she is going to cry. Jack looks me over and sees I'm doing much better then yesterday.

"I came here for awnsers Zarola." He says and I nod.

"Let's go to the living room to talk." I say slowly walking as Zehira comes to help me being careful of my shoulder. We get down stairs and into the living room. Me and Zehira take the couch while Jack and Raveena take my arm chairs. Raveena speaks up first.

"So this is the famous Sniper. You are young for your age to be a hunter." she says to me. I have been trained sense I was little by my family we both have. Are family is a hunter family.

"I have been train sense I was 5 so has my sister that is how it was." I say to them they nod.

"Why are you here? What brought you here?" Asks Jack.

"Arsen is why I am here. He has caused to many deaths and needs to be stopped." I say to them. Surprise comes across their face and they look at each other. then back to me.

"We didn't think the hunters cared about others affairs." says Raveena. We do but don't really tell others what we are doing we hunt what we are given and ask no questions except for where and who.

"We care more then you know." says Zehira and a pained look crosses her face. She is thinking about mom and dad. They had died when we were little in a rouge attack of both vampires and werewolfs. After their death we moved to New York to train even more to forget about the pain and loss.

"So are you going to tell Stark?" Says Zehira. They look at each other. They must be mind linking. After a couple of seconds they speak up.

"I'm not sure if we should..." says Raveena and looks over to Jack. He rubs the back of his neck thinking.

"Well I really don't like keeping things from my brother let alone the alpha. But you guys aren't here to hurt our pack. So no I won't but only if you help take out Arsen. I won't tell him your true Identity you don't even have to talk just help give us pointers." says Jack.

"I know it's hard for wolves to hide stuff from their alphas but I am truly grateful that you will keep my identity between us." I say giving them both a smile. I don't trust wolves but I trust them enough to know who I am.

"I never thought I would see the day when you would trust a wolf again sis." says Zehira giving me and them a smile. They looked confused but don't say anything. I sigh pinching my sister in the arm a little.

"Let's just say I turn my back on one." I tell them and they don't push it. Thank god that would have been awkward to talk about.

"Well we gotta go school is going to start and Stark is going to be wondering where we are... I would suggest you go so they don't think you or Zehira were the hunter." he says giving me a worried look.

"We will if I take a lot of pain meds and have Ze clean up my wound and help hide it as best as possible I'll manage through the day.... oh crap I have pe today." I say thinking that the pe teacher is going to make us play dodgeball.

"You can handle it Zo." says Zehira smiling at me. Yeah I think I can handle one day. At Least I think I can.


Jack and Raveena have to go do something so they said they would catch up to us later. I see Zehira and Zarola drive up in a black charger today. They didn't take Zarola's bike. That's new? I watch them get out and see Zarola wincing in pain. What? Why is she in pain. I begin to worry... Wait what me worry about her what the hell. I push the feeling away and walk to pe class with Ajax. We dress out and head to the main gym. Today we are playing dodgeball. I have Ajax and some members of my pack on my side. Zarola is also on my team but is staying in the back behind everyone and looks like she is cradling her arm.

"Okay let's keep it clean and fun." says coach B. I we all nod in agreement but this is war. He lines the balls in the middle of the floor and we all get into a running stance. He puts his hand in the air and puts his whistle in his mouth.

"On your mark....get set.....Go!" He drops his arm and blows the whistle. Everybody runs to get the balls. Balls are flying every where. Some guys on our sides are already out and so are some on the other side. Me and Ajax are dodging and throwing balls left and right. I quickly look to see Zarola is still in and is moving out of the way when they come towards her. She looks in pain but is keeping it together. I see a ball wiz pass me and gets Ajax.

"Dammit!" He says throwing his ball down. I laugh and forget I'm still in as a ball wiz passes me and hits Zarola in her shoulder. She bites or her lip and tenses up a lot. She looks like Someone just stabbed her instead of just hitting her with a rubber ball. She sways a little bit catches herself and begins to walk off the court slowly. I see a ball head its way towards her and fast. It's going to hit her shoulder. It hits her in the same spot again and she cries out while losing her balance. I quickly go and catch her. The instant my skin comes in contact I feel my wolf react to her. and start yelling those words i didn't think i would ever hear.

'MATE!MATE!' He yelps in my head. That's when i smell the air and get the most mouth watering smell i could ever smell. She smells like roses and strawberries. I realize she is looking up at me and I quickly help her off the court. She sits down and takes in a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She shakes her head and leans back against the wall.

"I'll be fine. That bitch is going to get it though." she says looking past me. I look and see Amanda has a smirk on her face. She threw the ball. Instant rage hits me but I calm down when I look back at Zarola. She has a confused look on her face but shakes her head and breaths evenly. Crap! I have to control my feelings.

'Too bad cause I won't let you let that bitch get away with harming our mate.' says my wolf. God dammit. It takes all my self control to not get back on that court and beat Amanda to a pulp.

'Shut the hell up!' I say to my wolf blocking him out. I never would have imagined Zarola Vixen a complete an utter stranger would be my soul mate. How does that even happen?

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