Mom and Dad

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I walk to my room that Stark has begun to stay here since I had gotten hurt. Hopefully he is asleep right now so I can go look at the records I have stored in the house. Mom and dad's records go with me wherever I go but some stay back at the house. When I mean house I mean the house me and Zehira grew up in. We decided to keep it sense that is where we go when we aren't on missions. I get to the door of my room and open the door slowly to see if Stark is awake. I see he is laying on the bed passed out.

"Dork" I say under my breath. I walk slowly to him making sure not to make too much noise. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. Stark stirs a little and says my name.

"Don't leave." He says out loud. My heart squeezes when he says that. Even though I'm a hunter I'm starting to think that maybe staying here with him might not be a bad thing. Then I remember we who I am and the fears of being found here and the people I love getting hurt comes to mind. I couldn't bear the thought of those close to me hurt because of who I am. I even care for Stark's pack.

I bend down and kiss him lightly on the forehead. He smiles but remains asleep. I walk out of the room closing the door silently as I leave.I look at the files as i walk to the library that is at the end of the hall. The house has two floors the upper part consists of four main rooms: master bedroom, Library, the study, and another room. The study is mainly the room that Zehira stays in sense that is where all of her work and time is.

Even on missions she is usually behind screen and not on the field even though she is an excellent shooter. i get to the end of the hall where the double doors are and open them. The library is pretty big. There are books lining all the walls of the room. I have books stacked up on the table that is in the corner of the room where i was looking up information on what i was and what i could do. Sadly our records don't have much on what i am just lore and old stories of my kind and how taboo it is for and angel and demon to make and offspring that is half angel half demon.

"Let's see here." i say to myself as i grab some books and take some more files that are stored in here. I flip through them and come across a case that dates back before i was born about mom, dad and Sillas. It talks about how their was a case where mom and dad had gone on a mission and something had happened but then the report ends. Someone had tampered with it and took the rest of the report. Something catches my attention about this report though. The date. It's the day mom and dad officially became hunters. Getting up i walk out of the library with the file in my hand and go quickly down the hall to the study. I open the door and Zehira is typing away on the computer. She looks up and sighs.

"Most of the files I see keep coming up with information missing that involve Sillas or mom and dad." she says rubbing her face.

"Same here but i did find this one interesting." i say as i show her the file. She looks it over and then begins typing on her computer.I walk around the desk and look over her shoulder. She is looking through records that involve the incident and comes up with a newspaper story on how an entire village had been wiped out.

"Looks like something the hunter organization would be apart of...." she says reading the article and stops looking at one passage very closely.

"well would you look at this. It says here that a woman and man were there to help with the situation and that they came out with hardly any scratches. Also a man with bright blue hair was among them." she says looking up at me.

"This is getting interesting you know where we need to go right." i say to her and she nods.

"we need to go back home and back to the headquarters to talk to Sillas." she says sighing and getting up from the computer. I look at my phone to see that it is 3 in the morning.

"Zarola what are you going to do about Stark tho he can't come along." Zehira says to me.

"I know his kind aren't allowed he has other things to worry about that involve the pack but i already know that he won't let me go without him saying that he wants to go." i say running a hand through my hair.

"Let's both talk to him then maybe both of us will get him to understand what we are trying to do and why he can't come along i know he loves you but we need to do this and you are more of a hunter when he is not around and we need that part of you. Don't get me wrong i love the way he makes you its good to see that but for what we plan on doing he can't follow." She says and i nod in agreement.

"We leave in a day. so prepare and get some sleep." I tell Zehira and she nods yawning. I leave the computer room and go to the kitchen. I grab my tequila i keep stashed in one of the cupboards and I grab a glass. I put some ice in it and pour me a cup as i sit down at one of the stools at the bar that is in the kitchen. This past month has been a rollercoaster that hasn't stopped at all to be able to sit down like this is rare for me.

I think about Stark and Zehira and how all these events have lead till now. I has been a while since I have been able to relax like this plus i know that tomorrow morning i will have to talk to Stark. After a couple of drinks i put my glass in the sink and put the bottle away. I'm a little wobbly going up the stairs but I manage to make it to the door okay. I open my door and walk into the room and see Stark laying in the bed sound asleep. I smile and walk to the bed and lay down next to him. He grabs me and pulls me close to him letting out a breath "Mate" he says in his sleep. When he says that my face heats up and I smile a the comment as i drift off to sleep.

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