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I hear yelling from below me as my face scrunches in confusion. How can people be below me? slowly i open my eyes and see i'm on the balcony as the voices become more loud and annoying. Gosh can they please go away for fucks sake and leave me alone with my two best friends Tequila and Whiskey? Apparently not.

"For fucks sake let me just knock down the fucking door she has been in there for a week now!" says a very furious male. His voice makes my insides flutter as i chuckle hearing the voices quiet down.

"Oh shit okay fine knock the door down but you are paying for it." says a female voice that i'm guessing is my sister. Oh goodie she has come to join me! I think as a another giggle escape my lips while a door si busted through. Footsteps are heard outside the door  as ponding vibrates through the room.

"Open the fucking door Zarola!" Yells that rich voice again as i slowly sit up using the ledge of the balcony as support for my back.

"Hmmmmm nah if i do you'll ruin my fun and make me remember what i'm trying to forget." I chuckle as i grab the bottle of half drake tequila and take a swig feeling the alcohol burn a path down my already fucked up throat. A frustrated sigh is heard as a few seconds later two men come barreling through my door knocking over my dresser and ripping my door off its hinges. I scrunch my face in anger as my poor door is now laying on the floor ll beaten and battered.

"Oh shit..." says Zehira as she rushes to me assessing the damage i have done to myself.

"You told me it was under control Zarola!!" says a now very mad Zehira as he eyes look into my drunk dull ones as she asses my arms and thighs. The room has many bottles of alcohol along with cigs and my blood. Stark looks at me and his face falls at my condition. Red scars on my arms and legs my hair probably  nasty and dirty. The once black leggings discarded for me to have free range over my legs. The sweater pretty much covers my underwear so no need for bottoms. Maybe i went a little overboard? Nah.

"Shit. Okay help me move her." says Zehira as i let out a whine in protest while Stark stays still as a block while Ajax lets out a frustrated breath pushing his alpha aside as he helps Zehira move me to the bathroom.

"ohh bubbles."I say as Zehira begins a bath and puts jasmine scented bubbles in it that i keep in all my bathrooms.

"Leave i got it from here." Says Zehira as Ajax open the door revealing a crying Stark as he bends down to pick up bottles that i have whipped cleaned of its contents. Zehira closes the door shut locking it as she struggle to get me out of clothes since i am way too drunk to function.

"what happened Zo." Says Zehira with tears in her eye as she helps me into the bath. Wincing at the pain from the cuts i sigh as the bath warms my cold body up starting to make my once drunken state sober me up just a little to answer her.

"Edward." Is all i say as she stares at me as rage passes her facial features.

"STARK MALPHAS GET YOUR WOLFY ASS IN HERE." Yells Zehira who stands up suddenly as i submerge myself deeper into the now interesting water. Stark opens the door his face now free of tears as he enters and gets a good punch to his face from my furious sister.

"What the hell was that for!" yells a now very confused and pissed Stark. Zehira stalks to him with rage racking her entire body.

"Now you better answer me very carefully with my next question." Zehira says as she has now left the bathroom with Stark touching his now busted lip as blood trickles down his chin from his mouth.

"Does a wolf name Edward Botolf sound familiar?" She says With venom in her voice at the mention of his name. I shiver and feel the hole he created oh so long ago form again in my chest as Stark goes to answer.

"Yes he is a member of my pack. His family is pack doctors." He says confusion written on his face. Oh this just gets better. That fucker lied to us saying his family died and how he had no one. I think angrily to myself.

"Oh he has a family now does he. So that little shits family didn't die like he told us." mutters Zehira to herself as confusion is plastered on Starks.

"What the hell does Edward have to do with any of this!?" yells a angry Stark.

"HE'S THE BLOODY FUCKING REASON FOR ZEHIRAS SCAR ACROSS HER BACK AND THE SENTENCER OF OUR PARENTS DEATH!" She yells at him as he opens his mouth in utter shock. Ajax stands their along with his alpha in shock as their eyes are trained on a now breathing hard Zehira. She is trying to calm herself down for my sake but is failing miserably.

"Zehira calm down." I say finally as my mind is starting to clear up and the water which was clear and bubbly is now a slight shade of pink from my blood.

"why didn't you tell me." Says a eerily silent Stark. Slowly i reach for the black towel that Zehira placed on the toilet for me as i get up slowly wincing every time as i wrap the warm fluffy towel around me. Walking to where i am standing in front of him he looks up at me with defeated and broken eyes.

"Go i need to talk to him." I say as Ajax and Zehira nod leaving my room as i kneel down slowly to be eye level with him. He places a hand on my cheek as i lean into his touch.

"Your so beautiful." he whispers as i smile at that. His words and touch make me feel safe and okay like my demons from my past and now can't harm me. But this piece of information will change how he views his own pack member.

"Edward came to the association as a child. Said his family was murdered and had nowhere else to go. Sillas took im in had my mother and father care and teach him how to become a very good hunter."I say as he looks at me while I get up walking to my bedside dresser and grab fresh undergarments. I put them on an let the towel fall to the floor as i sit on my bed pointing to my dresser as Stark takes the hint and flips the dresser backup and pulls out a long sleeve black v neck shirt along with solid black leggings and some fuzzy grey socks.

"He stayed with us as i was growing up he was my best friend my partner in crime and like an older brother to me." I say as i put the clothes Stark gives to me on slowly. The gauze that was on my arm and hand lay in a pile over near the many opened empty bottles of alcohol.

"He was the reason i have the scars on my back. He caused my mother and father to lose their concentration and cause the deaths of them both. Over the years his betrayal has left a hole in my heart as was the reason behind many nights of alcohol and drug abuse. when i was old enough to understand it all it got even worse i killed sensely and even the mention of his named caused me to go into a bloody rampage." I say coldly thinking back to my many meltdowns and dark past.

"What i don't get id why? Why betray us like that and cause some much damage and pain to a family that only treated him like they were one of them." I say lowly as Stark wraps his arms around my shaking body from the tears trailing down my face. After a while i stop crying and rub my face into his now wet chest drying any remaining tears as i look up into his beautiful forest green eyes.

"I don't know love but we can find out why..." he says as i know what he means we have to ask the source of the problem to get nuthing fixed. I have to talk to Edward.

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