Past Pain

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I freeze as all the blood drains from my body as i begin to shake. Stark's face scrunches in confusion as he looks at his pack member that i know all too well.

Edward Botolf

I turn around and take in a breath as i stare down those familiar dark blue eyes that are staring back in shock. The scars on my back begin to ache as the memories at the damage he has done to me and my family come rushing back into my mind. Tears threaten to fall as Artemis growls in my head.

'HOW IS THAT TRAITOR STILL ALIVE!' she yells in my head making me wince from her powerful voice. However he is still alive he is apart of my pack.

"Edward how do you know my mate? Says Stark as he places a hand on my arm as it doesnt help to calm my ragging heart and furious wolf. The pain in my back is starting to get unbearable as before Edward can answer that burning question of Starks i bolt away from the two towards the woods as the tears i tired to keep at bay begin to fall freely. People call my name but i block them out as I jump into the air and shift into my wolf where she howls towards the moon in anger and pain. I take off at full speed away from the pack house and deep into the woods to where i am sure no one has followed me. why?! Why is he back? I question myself as i dodge trees and fallen branches hearing the crunching of the dead autumn leaves under my paws. Howls of the pack member and Stark can be heard very far off in the distance. I can feel them try to break the blocks i have in my brain but i tighten them up even more with Artemis's help as she understands my pain at his return.

"EDWARD WAIT UP!" my ten year old self yells towards a certain brown haired dark blue eye boy who is waiting for me a the end of my parents driveway. I reach him as i bend over and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath as he chuckles at me ruffling my hair up. Edward is a hunter who has been with the association since i was little. I grew up with him since he was under my parents care. his parents died a long time ago when he was young so the association took him in and had him under the protection and guidance of my mom and dad.

"Slow poke let's get going to the association so we can report in and get it over with." He says chuckling as we begin the walk to the association headquarters. it took us a good hour to get there we greet the guards as the smile at us and let us pass through the iron gates." The build for the associations has at least five floors with 5 to 10 rooms on each floor. the top floor has the associations headhunters office which is Sillas. We open up the double doors that leads inside and take the elevators to the fifth floor where sillas office is located. Edwards leg starts to fidget as i give him a questioning look. He smiles but continues to fidget. Edward is the calm one out of the three of us. So seeing him nervous or restless doesn't sit well with me.

"Are you okay Ed?" i ask him as he stops his fidgeting as we reach the floor we need to.

"Yes let's go okay." He says as i nod following him down the hallway to set of doors that have Sillas name on a gold plaque on the black door. Edward knocks as we hear him say come in we enter.

"Welcome back you two your mission was successful i see." Says Sillas as he is looking at a file.

"Yes the rouge vampire you wanted us to take out has been silenced." I say with no emotion in my voice as Sillas nods still looking at the file. Edward clears his throat making Sillas look up at us bot.

"Good then you may leave tell Marcella and Drake i said hello." he says waving a hand for us to leave which we do closing the door behind us Edward lets out a breath as he turns to me.

"I have a couple things to do while i'm here care to meet me at your parents room?" he says as i smile and nod leaving him to do whatever it is he needed to do. I take the elevator to the third floor where mom and dad's room is. The door open as i notice it is eerily quiet in the halls.

"Hmm usually people are here since the gym is on this floor." I whisper to myself as i go to check the gym and cover my mouth as to stifle a scream. Blood is all i see as it is splattered everywhere in the room across all the equipment. Bodies of hunters of all ages lie dead in their own pool of blood torn to shreds or missing body parts. Tears pool in my eyes falling freely as i see a huge rogue wolf turn its head in my direction. I quickly hide behind the wall next to the glass wall trying to stop my shaking body and ragged breaths. I hear a low growl the silence as i hear crunching indicating he is eating someone. Slowly but quietly i make my way down the hall to my parents room where the door was ripped off its hinges. My heart sinks thinking the worst as i take a couple of breaths preparing myself. I walk in and see that my mother Marcella has her katana sticking into a now dead vampires heart. while Drake my father has his twin guns out pointed at two dead wolves. Marcella looks up to see me standing in the doorway a mess. Her usually purple eyes shine a bright icey blue but vanish as she rushes over to me hugging me as i sob into her shoulder. Drake walks over to the both of us as he checks the hallway for more enemies.

"Okay we need to move this isn't a safe place anymore." he says as moher nods grabbing my hand leading me away from the room following father as he stays low to the ground silent.

"I'm sorry..."says an all to familiar voice as mom looks behind me shock evident on her faceas she screams while i feel a terrible pain across my entire back. The suddenattack causes me to fall to the ground feeling my own blood trickle down myback staining my one baby blue dress a deep crimson red. I turn to see edwardnow a wolf with my blood on his paw as he gives me a sad look but runs off asmom yells at him giving away our position which spelled the rest of what was tohappen that dreadful day.....   

Returning back to my senses i noticed i have reached the cabin i originally stayed in while here in this town. No one was around as i made sure of that i had made sure to get rid of scent so no one can follow me and cover my tracks. Streams are great for that. Shifting back i walk up to the house grabbing the key from under the matt i had put there to hid the key while i was gone. Unlocking the door i swiftly enter and close the door behind me locking it. taking calming breaths i grab the black blanket fuzzy blanket off my couch and wrap myself with it. I head to my alcohol cupboard and grab a lot of tequila along with a lot of jack daniels whisky. I go up the stairs to my room open the door then close it and lock it also. I put the two bottles on my bed and walk over to my dresser. I move it to where it is blocking my door as i plan to not let anyone disturbed me for a while. Grabbing some clothes that consisted of a black oversized sweater that hangs off my shoulder and some leggings with rips going up the side. shoving some black socks on i take all of the stuff in my hair combing my finger through it to get everything out completely. Remember those memories has me emotionally unstable and in a panic. Last time this had happened i killed A LOT of people so i plan to not let it happen this time. I open the balcony doors and let the cold night air wander into the stuffy room as I stare at the stars and full moon. the tears begin to fall again as i set on doing what i planned to do. Forget.

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