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I wake up with my entire body feeling sore and the spot where my mark is tender to the touch. I look over and see Stark is sound asleep with his head snuggled into my stomach while he is hugging my leg. I smile at him and look at his peaceful sleepy face. I hear my phone make a sound and see that I have a text from Zehira.

'It's almost time to leave get up and getting ready!' She texted me. I sigh looking at Stark one more time as I get up without waking Stark up so he can sleep a little longer. I walk into my bathroom and see the mark for the first time. It's in the shape of a crescent moon you can still see the fang marks left by Stark.  I chuckle as I brush my messy now faded hair and put it into a braid that goes down my back. I walk out and see that Stark is still asleep as I tiptoed my way to my closet and open it. I grab a black tank top and black jeans with my combat boots. I quickly undress and put my clothes on and begin lacing up my boots.

"Zarola..." Says Stark groggily from the bed. My heart jumps as I look back seeing Stark shuffling around on the bed searching for my body. He face scrunches up as he doesn't find me and his eyes flutter open. I Finnish lacing up my boots and walk to the bed and sit on it smiling at his cuteness. He lays his head into my lap burying his face into my stomach taking in a breath and wrapping his arms tightly around my waste. I notice he to has the same mark as me in the exact same spot that mine is in.

"I have to get ready Stark I have to leave soon.." I say and he tightens his grip on me as I chuckle softly running my fingers through his hair.

"I don't want you to leave but I know you have to." He says into my stomach and I sigh. I feel my heart tighten knowing i have to leave him my wolf whines but knows we can't bring him along.

"Yes I don't know how long I will be gone but just know I will come back to you." I say as I kiss the top of his head lightly. He sifts catching his lips with mine as he deepens the kiss send sparks through my body making my wolf growl lowly.

"Damn right you are." He says kissing me again after he lets me go getting up and stretches his arms upwards. I will never get tired of seeing him half naked. He has a very strong build and has a slight tan. I Finnish staring at his body and get up to grab my duffle bag to put clothes into and another duffle bag to put my gear and weapons in. I'm almost about done when Stark walks up and he is dressed in a fitted shirt with dark ripped jeans on. It looks like he tried to fix his hair but there are still spots that are sticking up. I laugh at his hair and he scrunches his face at me.

"What's so funny." He says as I get up and run my fingers through his hair.

"Nothing just I like how your hair is right now." I say with a smile as I pat his face and get my holster for my twin pistols and put it on while bolstering my guns. He huffs at my response but then laughs lightly making me smile.

"I'm going to miss you..." He says to me with a sad look on his face. I give him a small smile knowing I am going to miss him to.

"No matter what happens Stark I will come back to you." I say to him and he smiles at that.

"It's about time isn't it." He says and I can hear Zehira talking outside my door to someone.

"Yeah help me with my bags please." I say to him as he grabs my bags and I go to get my katana.

"Zarola you done yet!" Yells my sister from the other side of the door.

"Yes I am I'm coming out now," I say as Stark opens the door and I see Zehira with her bags in her hands. All three of us make our way down the stairs to the front door. Stark opens the door for us and we head to Zehira's car. We put everything into the trunk and close it.

"We looks like goodbye's are in order." Says Zehira as she opens the driver's door to her car and I walk to my bike.Stark walks to me to my bike as I'm getting on and kisses me hard on the lips which sends butterfly's throughout my body. He lets go and I take breath trying not to cry. I don't want to leave him but I know I have to so I can figure out what happened that day and what my parents are hiding from me.

"Be safe and come back to me alive okay." He says with his hand on my cheek.

"I will." I say smiling to him as he nods and steps away from my bike. I turn it on and let it roar underneath me as Zehira heads out first and then me. I look back and see Stark head back into the house.

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