Her Other Half

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This school is going to be the death of me. All these wolves around me makes my skin crawl. I want to leave as soon and fucking possible. I'm glad I will have the night to get to work at least. However thinking about it know i have a feeling I won't be doing that. As I'm walking out of school some girls walk up to me with grins on there face. Oh please like you bitches are gonna do anything. I stop as they are close enough for me to punch them in the face.

"Hey what's your problem bitch." says a blonde girl who for all I care can get the fuck out of my way.

"Nothing what's yours." I say giving her a look full of daggers. She flips her hair to the side and points a finger at me.

"This is my turf so if you want to survive this school I would suggest you learn your place you whore." she says poking me in the chest. No one touches me like that. I feel rage in me instantly but don't swing just yet.

"I don't give a fuck if your are queen Victoria get out of my way and leave me alone." I say passing her while bumping her in the shoulder. She gasps in shock and yells at me.

"Fuck you bitch no one touches me." at that I turn around and punch her straight in the face. She screams from the impact and her friends try to calm her down.

"Don't ever fucking talk or touch me again." I say as I put my headphones in and head to my motorcycle ignoring all the people staring at me. I get to my bike and get the hell out of the school. A red Truck backs up and I nearly crash into it. I brake hard and get even more pissed.

"Watch where the fuck your going." I say then realize it's Stark and just flip him off and drive off. I got to see his enraged but shocked face before I drove off. Speeding I get to my house fast and quickly get inside so I can calm down. I usually don't let people bother me but being in a school full of wolfs has my nerves shot. I find my bottle of Tequila and take a swing. I pull out my pack of smokes and head to my room to the balcony. I light it and take a hit calming down slightly. The evening is quiet and I can hear all the noises from the Forrest. It calms me down and I pull the file out to examine it again. The last attack was right outside of town. I hear a knock on the front door and groan. Who the hell could that be.
I walk down stairs and open the door to see Zehira standing there.

"Well long time no see sis what's got you all pissed off Zo." she says to me walking into the house. I sigh and close the door. She is wearing a royal blue shirt with some black jeans and blue flats. Her hair is different shades of blue making it look like a deep blue sea. She has the exact same eyes as me. Were twins but we keep our hair color different always. She is more happy go lucky then me and can handle people more.

"School." is all I say as she sits on the couch looking up at me. She nods and looks at me.

"What got a crush sis." she says teasingly. More like I got a big ass headache from stupid people. One I got plowed over by and alpha and two bitches walk up to me thinking they can talk to me a certain way. yeah hell no.

"No just a long ass day why are you here Ze?" I say sitting down in the arm chair.

"I got done with my mission so they told me to come assist you in yours. You know we are better together." she says matter of factly. The second strongest in our company is my sister.

Zehira Vixen is her name and her hunter name is deadshot. Don't ask me why she chose that one she just did. Give her a gun and she can put a bullet into your head without a blink. Everyone knows the Vixen sisters. However more people know me more than Zehira. She mostly does the behind the scenes stuff. I do the dirty work.

"Ah well make yourself at home the bedroom is upstairs." I say getting up and grabbing her bag she has.

"Kay oh and I brought my Charger with me." she says and I roll my eyes. She wouldn't go anywhere without her damn car and necklace that I gave her. It's our birth stone that has our family's last name engraved into it.

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