29: Thanatos

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Kiss snapped her eyes open.

Immediately, an excruciating amount of pain overwhelmed her senses, and she cried out in pain. A pool of blood surrounded her body, and she felt extremely weak.


Sasha had tears running down her face, and bruises spotted her complexion. She shoved an ambrosia crackers in Kiss' mouth, and with the last energy Kiss had left, she swallowed.

Suddenly, she felt better.

Her energy levels rose to the point where she could recognize her surroundings, and she noticed there were no restraints on her anymore.

Sasha left her side, fighting Jungkook.

Kiss felt like throwing up, and her vision was blurry. She felt weak, but she could move. Lifting her head slightly, her weak arm muscles worked to have her sitting up. Shaking her head a couple times, Kiss tried to clear her vision that showed three of everything. She could hear her own heartbeat and breath as she moved to her hands and knees.

Her eyes spotted a broken staff.

The feeling of nausea overwhelmed her, and Kiss heaved. She threw up nothing, dry heaving and coughing.

Kiss looked up weakly.

Yoongi and Sasha were out cold, lying lifelessly on the floor.

A rush of adrenaline and panic surged through Kiss' blood, but before she could stand, Jungkook whipped her backside.

Kiss screamed.

Her scream was so loud that it made Jungkook cower and cup his hands over his ears.

Kiss glowed pink.

She stood steadily, despite her bra and spandex being soaked in blood. Her eyes glowed white, and she trudged towards Jungkook.


He lunged at her, but she pushed him back into the wall, a hand around his neck.

"You shall pay."

She choked him harder as he gasped for air.

"I demand you to release yourself from Jungkook."

When he didn't, Kiss screamed.


Thanatos stepped out from Jungkook's body, and Jungkook fell to the ground alive, but unconscious. The god of death cackled, storming over to Kiss.

"You think you can kill me, little girl? I am the god of death. No one can kill me."

Casting a magical spell in her direction, Thanatos had Kiss' soul in his hand in a split second.

"You think you can beat me?" He bared his teeth, eyes pitch black.


Black mist enveloped the soul in Thanatos' hand, and Kiss fell to the floor on her hands and knees, convulsing and screaming with a newfound pain that felt worse than anything she's felt before. The glowing white in her eyes dimmed, and she lost the pink aura around her body. She looked down at her hands.

Her hands were disappearing.

Kiss collapsed to the floor, unable to move.

This was it.

This was her end.

She looked at Thanatos crush and kill her soul, slowly accepting the fact that she will die and disappear forever. Life flashed before her eyes, and she saw everyone happy.

One Hundred Kisses - BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora