24: Fresh Start

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When Kiss opened her eyes, she was in a dark room.

Her senses sharpened, and she realized she was in someone's room. It smelled oddly familiar.

Kiss couldn't believe her eyes when she saw red outside her window. Why did it look similar to flames...?

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, a panting Yoongi wheezing with his hands on his knees.

"...Suga? SUGA!" Kiss yelled, sauntering over to him with a fist up.

"Woahwoahwoah babe calm down," Yoongi put his hands up, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"What the fuck is this?!" Kiss raged. "Where the hell are we?"

"Okay so sit down for a moment while I tell you everything," Yoongi said, directing her to sit down on the bed she woke up on.

Hot headed, Kiss reluctantly sat herself down. Yoongi followed, sitting next to her.

He took a breath in, calming himself before the big explanation. "Okay, so you know that Prince guy that kissed you?"


"Well, that's me."

Kiss looked at him with disbelief. "What?!"

"Don't believe me?"

Yoongi snapped his fingers, and the familiar black cloak appeared on his shoulders. He pulled the hood up, and his face went dark, his eyes the only thing showing.

Kiss gave him a small nod, angered. He took that was a signal to continue.

Back in his regular form, Yoongi sighed. "Look, I know you're mad and I might seem like the bad guy, but I'm on your side."

Narrowing her eyes, Kiss growled, "Continue."

"So you know there's five sons of Hades, right? We are all competing against each other for the crown, and if I don't get it, I might end up dead."

"Hades is kinda tired of ruling the underworld, and he wants to have a vacation for one hundred years before he goes back to the throne. That means he needs one of his sons to take his place, and rule the lands well."

"There's me, the eldest, and the rest: Jaebum, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Jungkook."


The special mark on the youngest son of Hades- a birthmark on the wrist.

"Yeah. He hates me the most, and wants me dead as soon as he gets the crown," Yoongi cringed thinking about his death. "And getting the crown is..."


Yoongi nodded. "The person has to agree to this thing and the relationship, conceive an heir, be a descendant, and win favor of Hades' choice."

"So this is where you come in," Yoongi glanced at Kiss. "I wanted to have you, and I have you now, but you're not the one I want anymore. I can't change my choice though, so I'm probably going to die in two days. "

"You see, I used to like you, but then I met Sasha..." Yoongi said, already smiling at the thought of her.

"You're crushing on my girl?!"

His smile turned sheepish. "Yeah. But Jungkook has her, and he knows I want her."

"That's impossible. Sasha's in Olympus right now."

"Wrong. She's in Jungkook's room right now," Yoongi swallowed. "I know she's supposed to be up in Olympus, but Kook's breaking a bunch of rules, and I reckon that Artemis is really angry right now. Even worse, you are the one he wants, and he's just harboring Sasha so he can threaten me into doing whatever he wants."

"Wait how did you-"

"I eavesdropped. My bad," Yoongi said. "Anyway, I have this."

In his palm rested a piece of candy.

"If I don't win, Jungkook is going to kill everyone and keep you. And believe me when I say this: you will wish you were dead if that happens," Yoongi growled. "He's going to treat you like a slave."

Giving Kiss the candy, the eldest son looked up to meet her eyes.

"Look, you're literally my sister-from-another-mister thing, or whatever you girls say, and I really don't want you to suffer later-"

"I don't have a dad," Kiss deadpanned. "I was born from a fucking pot."

Yoongi laughed at that. "Okay okay, but listen. You need to eat this, because this will bring you back up without going through the portal in two days time, right after Hades makes his decision."

"If he chooses me, I'm still letting you up because you need to return to the Academy and your lover boy. I'm going to win Sasha over. If he chooses Jungkook or any of the guys, you will be safe because of the candy. I promise."

"What about you?"

He shrugged. "I guess I kinda die."

"...Can't you get another one of these?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I'm not even supposed to have this, and if they find out I have one, I'm dead. Mom was nice enough after hearing me out, and she gave me one."

"What are these even used for?"

"Emergencies. Like when our powers are somehow taken away and we need to get out of here," Yoongi explained. "Oh yeah, we're in the underworld, if you didn't already notice."


"Okay so don't call me that anymore, because that was my cover up name," Yoongi crinkled his nose at the name.

"You know what? Here."

He closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled deeply, and then opened them.

"Can we start over? I had to be a complete jerk and ass up there, and I almost puked doing it."

Kiss nodded.

"I'm Yoongi." 

He held out his hand.

She popped the candy in her mouth, took his hand, and shook it.



a/n: i love this chapter for no reason at all

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