15: Snow

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The cries that came from Kiss' mouth was enough to make him burst into tears. He could see her struggle under a man's figure, who had cast a spell on her limbs.

Hoseok tried running, but it was as if there was a glass box, preventing him from rescuing Kiss.

"Stop!" Hoseok bawled, banging his fists against the force violently. "Stop!"

The figure cackled before forcing his lips on hers. Unable to move, Kiss struggled silently, a single tear flowing from the corner of her eye. His hands groped her body, thirsty for more.

Hoseok slammed his hands over and over until they bled, crying out when the blood dripped down his arm.

Tears of his own sprung from his eyes as he let out violent screeches. His voice was hoarse, hands tattered and bleeding, face covered in a layer of sweat; eyes constantly producing tears of helplessness and grief.

Through his blurry vision, he could barely make out the most horrid scene. The figure's hands roamed lower, unbuttoning Kiss' jeans. Her top was ripped off as his eyes swept hungrily at her figure. He lowered his head, licking and sucking at the exposed skin.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, Hoseok kicked the force and used his elbows.

"Stop! Please!" He whimpered, dizzy.


Hoseok gasped.

He shot up from the bed, sweat glistening on his forehead. His hair was a mess, clothes damp. Placing his palms over his eyes, he felt the wetness on his cheeks.

"Oh no," he tugged his locks, stressed.

"Zeus, please," he begged, "please don't."

The unsettling feeling in his gut was the reply. Hoseok was ready to breakdown, feeling nauseous. Swallowing the bile that rose in his throat, he let out a harsh cry.

His dreams usually came true.


Kiss rubbed her eyes, yawning. She had fallen asleep after thinking about Hoseok for so long, thinking about her situation.

From the corner of her eye, she could see the gloomy clouds-

-and the snowflakes.

She shot out of guest bed like a rocket, face right next to the window.

"Holy crap. It's snowing!" Kiss exclaimed, admiring the blanket of white covering the ground. Quickly, her feet carried her to Hoseok's room, where he lay knocked out cold.

"Hoseok!" She shrieked, jumping up and down on his bed. "It's snowing!"

His eyes snapped open, alarmed when he saw a wild Kiss. "Holy Hera are you on dru-"

She jumped off his bed and pulled him with her, ecstatic. Despite her prideful manner, she ran to his window and bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement.

"It's Saturday too! What a blessing from the gods!" Kiss cheered gleefully, shaking his shoulders. Hoseok shook off her hands and placed two firm hands on her shoulders, looking at her dead in the eye.

"Are you on drugs?" He asked seriously.

"Of course!"

Her eyes lit up brighter when she saw the snow falling heavier. Hoseok just stared, thoroughly confused at her behavior.

"We need to go outside!" She beamed. "Get ready!"


Kiss ran out the door with a smile on her face.

"Oh, how beautiful it is!" Kiss tilted her head to eat the snowflakes. After, she dived into the piling snow and giggled.

That's right.

She giggled.

Hoseok knocked his head on the door a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming again.


The dream.

A gloomy look replaced the usual happy one. He was scared about what was going to happen to her, and was determined to keep her safe. The feeling returned in his gut the more he thought about it.


His love stood right in front of him with a concerned look. She was a beautiful mess with wet hair and red cheeks, standing in the snow.

"Why are you so sad?" She asked.

"I..." He contemplated whether to tell her. "I just had a really bad vision."

The atmosphere darkened. Kiss slowly brought him to the front steps and sat down with the concerned boy next to her.

"What happened?"

He was about to spill everything, but the caught himself before it happened. "Just... be careful from now on, okay? I don't want to lose you or Sasha."


He let out a stiff sigh as he replayed the nightmare in his head.

"Where is Sasha anyway?" Kiss asked, wondering why she hadn't come home last night.

"She has to stay with the nymphs for a while," he explained. "She'll be back soon."

Standing up from her spot, Kiss tugged on Hoseok's arm.

"C'mon Hoseok! Make a snow angel!"

Despite how much he hated the snow and wished for the sun to warm the two of them, Hoseok went out and laid himself on the snow, wiggling his arms and legs. The two got up after, admiring the pieces of art.

"Snowball fight!"

Hoseok was pelted in the face by a cold snowball, which exploded at contact. Kiss exploded with laughter, falling on the cushions of snow.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He shouted playfully, packing snow in his fists. Right before he released it, Kiss spoke up.

"You know what? You're gonna put that down you shirt."

Hoseok screamed in protest, but his arms were already moving.

"Why would you- GAHHH!"


a/n: fluffy :3

next chapter: romantic shit. get you popcorn ready.

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