16: My Queen

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Hoseok found himself smiling without reason.

Well, Kiss was the reason.

She was packing snow together with much concentration, intending to make an igloo. Stacking the newly furnished block, Kiss smiled when it was almost finished.

"Hoseok! Don't just stand there!" She grinned. "It's almost done!"

He shook himself out of the daydream and helped her place the last block of ice. Kiss pulled him inside and sat across from him with exhaustion

"Lemme get the drinks," Hoseok said, crawling out. He pulled the ice cold and tiny yogurt drinks from the snow-fridge, handing one to her.

Kiss punched a hole in the thin aluminum cover, tipping her head back with bottoms up. Refreshing was an understatement, relief washing over her as the freezing sweet drink slid down down her throat.

She sighed after chugging it in one go. "Tastes so good."

Hoseok was already on his third bottle.

Finishing a whole row, the two of them sat across from each other, leaning again the sturdy sides with fatigue.

"Hoseok, will you make it back on time?"

Her statement caught him off guard, as he was a little worried himself.

"I... I don't know," he muttered truthfully, "but I will be fine."

"I hope so," Kiss said, staring into his eyes. "It would be such a shame to lose you."

"You won't lose me," he smiled wide. "I just know it."

Kiss bit back a reply, realizing the events that occurred yesterday. Hoseok could feel the atmosphere darkening, and decided to bring her in.

"C'mon. Let's get some hot drinks."


With a cold head, Kiss warmed her hands on the side of her mug. Her hair had icicles at the ends, and she felt like a snowman.

Hoseok hummed happily, pouring the hot water into his own mug. Sitting across from her, Hope flashed his pearly whites, brushing his damp hair away from his eyes.

"I want to take you somewhere at six. Will that be okay?" He asked, eyes sparkling for a split second.

"Sure," she reciprocated a smile of her own. "Where are we going?"

"Places," he said vaguely.

The two sipped on their piping hot drinks, enjoying each other's company. The crackle from the fire was music to their ears, as the snow slowed to a gentle swirl, the crystallizing flakes dancing in the wind. The candles flickered gently with a dim light, setting a pleasant atmosphere around them, almost like Christmas Eve.

The door burst open.

"Holy fuck," Sasha huffed, chest heaving, "you should have seen the way I whooped his ass!"

"How was you overnight trip?" Hoseok asked kindly.

"It got crazy when it started snowing," she described, remembering the scene as she hung her drenched coat, "but the forest nymph's queen finally talked to me."

"Really!?" Hoseok exclaimed.

Kiss grinned. "What did she say?"

Sasha shook her head. "I'm not allowed to say. I'm exhausted so I'm gonna take a bath."

Kiss nodded and returned to her drink, watching the steam rise up in wisps of white. Once she left the room, Kiss glanced at the clock.

Four o'clock.

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