3: Eros and Kim Seokjin

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Kiss smirked as she saw the sexy stranger fall for her charms. "What's your name, sugar?"

He grinned looking at her body. "I'm Jackson."

"Here with a girlfriend?" She asked.

It was dark outside, but the club had no concept of time. Every hour meant nothing as each person partied twenty-four seven. Up at Olympus, she only attended these kinds of parties once, and she absolutely loved it. The energy from the crowd made everyone crazy in love with partying.

Jackson smirked. "Why? You wanna take me to Hong Kong?"

Kiss leaned closer to whisper in his pierced ear. "I'll take you to Hong Kong faster than any girl."

He let out a growl.

She could see the sin swimming in his eyes. Kiss roughly pushed him back, pinning his figure against the wall. Slamming her hands beside him, the charming girl leaned closer to his face.

"Naughty boy."

Jackson impatiently crashed his lips on hers, eager for her touch. Kiss slid her hand to the back of his neck, feeling the different emotions under his skin. His eyes darkened as she lowered her lips and skillfully kissed his neck. Jackson's hands roamed her body, liking her hourglass figure.

Before they went any further, Kiss concentrated her energy on the hand that hovered his neck. Her hand burned for a few seconds before she started to pull away, a decent sized drop following her hand. Kiss caught it and felt it harden like wax.

Before Jackson could say anything, Kiss detached her lips and walked away, leaving him confused like every other guy she left. Feeling herself weaken, Kiss carried herself to an alley before crashing onto the floor on her hands an knees, breathing hard. She could feel her arms shake, vision cloudy. Weak, Kiss picked herself up and walked with difficulty.

She never knew it was that hard to pull an Ero.

Trudging back to the apartment, Kiss knocked on her apartment door. Seokjin greeted her with a kind smile, inviting her in.

"Did you have fun?"


He smiled further. "I'm glad."

Kiss looked at him weird before trailing her way to the kitchen.

"What? Am I not allowed to be glad for you?" Jin snorted.

"What kind of brother does that?"

Jin's eyebrows creased slightly, a pang hitting the weakened organ in his chest. Unaware to his pain, Kiss walked to her door and slammed it shut. She pulled a jar out from under her desk, dropping the Ero inside with the others. Kiss observed it with her pitch-black irises, noticing that it almost looked like it was made out of glass, smooth without any bumps or imperfections.

"Another Ero down, ninety-five to go," she whispered, sliding the jar back under her desk.

Exhausted, Kiss peeled her clothes off her, tossing it into the laundry basket. She felt a slight pound in her head and sighed, paying the price of magic. However, she didn't faint after pulling an Ero, unlike the first time she did.

Grabbing a towel, Kiss wrapped it around her body and entered the bathroom, locking the door. After running the water in the shower, she snatched a make-up wipe from the counter and swiped the products off her face, also pulling bobby pins from her hair. Kiss hung her towel on a rack and stepped into the shower, standing in the hot water. A hot shower felt nice over her aching muscles.

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