7: Have You Ever Heard of Sexual Desire?

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"You know, all popular girls aren't always bitches," Kiss said monotonously at the nerd who had been bickering and snarling at her.

Hiding her emotion, the nerd just smiled fakely, stomping off. Suga slid a gentle hand around Kiss' waist, pushing her against his warm body. She could feel the outline of his fingers, crooked and rough.

Kiss pried his hands off, sliding away. "Hands to yourself, mister."

"What if I don't want to?"


It was a miracle they haven't kissed yet.

Once a group of giggling girls swooned their way over to the bad boy, Kiss stood up from the bench and walked off. She felt like making some progress, and it was the perfect time to do so, since they had a free period and could go anywhere on school property.

After finding no success outside, Kiss maneuvered her way into the building, the hallways mostly empty. Catching sight of a shy, brown-haired boy, Kiss grinned and sped up. Once her hand made contact with his shirt, she dragged him to an empty hallway and smashed her lips to his.

Kiss' lips muffled his gasp, and she enjoyed the taste of him. Those lips of his were a healthy shade of pink, plump and full. She pulled him closer with a hand on the nape of his neck, slowly feeling the small energy that built underneath the skin.

However, she pulled with all her might and it still wouldn't budge. Each time she pulled, Kiss got more and more tired.

Maybe he wasn't horny enough.

Kiss daringly moved her hand from his neck to the chest, feeling the heartbeat. It was rapid and thumping, which made her grin.

She was getting more and more powerful.

Her hand drooped lower, hooking with one of the belt loops in his jeans. She was sure he could feel it, as his breath hitched slightly.

Pushing them into a closet of some kind, Kiss started to take it up a notch, french kissing his lips. When her leg rubbed against his growing erection, he gave out a breathy noise.

Pulling away, his eyes were swimming in euphoria.

"What are you doing to me?" He questioned, panting.

"Have you ever heard of sexual desire, Jimin?"

This time, he was the one to continue the make-out with a kiss. With the tiniest bit of confidence within him, Jimin placed his hands of either side of her cheeks. Kiss moved her lips to his jawline, kissing and sucking it as she dropped lower.

Jimin was ecstatic, his hands dropping. He had only experienced stuff like this a few times, but he couldn't remember it feeling this good. As her lips attacked his neck, Jimin threw his head back, eyes closed.

A groan escaped his lips when she tugged at his earlobe with her teeth. He felt the need to escape the constriction that constantly grew down there, the temptation growing with each second.

"Oh," he moaned quietly, as he felt the friction on his jeans.


"Hoseok? I think he went to the dance studio," Sasha said, pointing in the general direction.

Before Kiss left to find him, she turned back around and gripped Sasha's shoulder. "How's your quest going?"

"Fine," she said, "But I have to do this alone."

Kiss nodded and turned away, making her way to the dance studio. Squeaky shoes could be heard, upbeat music blasting from the speakers.

Did they always come up here after school?

"Hoseok?" She called out, opening the door.

There he was, dancing his heart out. Sweat glistened on his skin, his hair a flying mess. Beside him, two others were working just as hard.

"Kiss?" Hoseok stopped, spotting her in the mirrors that ran all over the walls. Grinning, the daughter of love sat by one of the walls and nodded for them to continue.

"Keep going," she encouraged. "I wanna see this."

Hoseok turned the music off, insecure. "Why are you here?"

"Because of up there," she said subtly, hinting at the topic.

He nodded, understanding. The two blushing boys from beside him stared at Kiss.

"Are you guys a group or something?" She questioned.

"Yeah," he smiled brightly, "we're the three J's"

"Jimin, Jungkook, and..." Kiss looked expectantly at Hoseok.

"J-hope," he laughed. "I'm your hope, I'm your angel!"

Kiss snorted at his cute catchphrase. "Cute."

Hoseok hoped the blush on his cheeks would be mistaken for the exhaustion.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Start the show!" Kiss exclaimed, looking at the three J's. Hope was quite embarrassed, refusing.

"I dunno," he said warily, ruffling his hair.


His expression turned blank.


Before he could point out her enchantment, Kiss played the music.

"Did you just-"

"Nope!" She grinned, waiting for the three of them to start. Jungkook was in the center, his moves sharp and focused. The swag radiated off him as the song played, drinking in the attention. Jungkook smirked, confident with his moves.

Then, the song changed.

Here we are, all alone in this room~

Jimin was in the center now, moving his limbs fluidly to Chris Brown's Take You Down. It was a surprise to see such a shy person attempt a song like this, and he was great at it.

It ain't my first time but baby girl we can pretend-

The thrust that came from his hips was beyond sexy. Jungkook was looking questionably at Jimin, since he never did it that well.

Was he on drugs?

Kiss watched as the three J's body rolled, and she smirked. "Get it!"

The song changed once more, and the upbeat tune caused Hoseok to bounce on his feet. The aura had glowed around him like a halo, gold and glittering. It seems as if Hope got a blessing from Apollo, and nothing could stop him.

His face was lined with concentration as he skillfully moved his body. Popping, locking, and all sorts of dances were used, and he didn't make a single mistake. His energy was everlasting, and he couldn't of felt any better.

Well, he was the son of Apollo after all.

When the music stopped, his breaths were heavy and labored, sweat dripping off his body. Hoseok couldn't wait to see her expression, but it was his expression that changed drastically.

Kiss was limp like a ragdoll, unresponsive and pale.



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