Night sky

18 3 2

As the night drew its shades

As the blue sky turned darker

The lost souls came out

They came out from where they were hidden

Hidden deep within the body of its owner

They came out as the lights turned off

as everyone went to sleep

and only the lost souls were awake

they hid beneath their blankets

and silently cried

they screamed as loud as they could

but the night sky hid their cries and screams well

They cursed their bodies as to why they weren't strong enough to not care

They cursed, screamed, and cried

"why am I not strong enough" they asked

"why ME" they cried

but these lost souls failed to realize

the night sky only protects the strongest of the souls

the ones that wait for everyone to sleep

to show their weaknesses

the moon is a witness for only the strongest of them all

every tear drop fills the night sky with stars

you're not a lost soul

you're one of the creators of the stars

you fill the sky with hope

just like it fills you with strength

so chin up

because you're the strongest of them all

> ngl this is my fav poem I've ever written

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