Everything is wrong

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'What's wrong?' they asked
'It hurts
It hurts to see him
To hear his voice
To hear his name
It hurts to see him smile like nothing happened
To see his eyes that I fell in love with
I can't look him in the eyes anymore
I look the other direction when I see him
I cover my ears when I hear him
Because everything about him
Pains me
It hurts to see him okay
While I'm breaking apart
But what hurts the most
Is that I still love him
And I will always love him
But seeing him walking around
Like nothing happened
Breaks me apart
Can't he see that I'm shattered apart
Can't he see that I'm in pain
I can barely breathe
The pain is getting to much to bear
I am in pain
Every second of the day
It's like a part of me is bleeding
And it will never stop
Until I stop breathing'

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