A memory

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I don't know if you remember
The day that I realized I fell in love

I was sitting on the roof
Looking at the sky
When you came and sat next to me
I had no idea how you knew I was there
But I didn't ask
I didn't care how you knew
Because your presence was enough for me
It was like you heard my silent screams
And came for me
You sat there next to me
While I looked at the sky
We sat like this for hours
And suddenly I cried
For the first time in front of somebody
You didn't say a word
Just hugged me and sat silently
You let me cry my heart out
And didn't say a word
You never asked why I cried
All you did was sit there in silence
And that's when I realized I loved you
Because you sat there
While I cried
And didn't say a word
You understood me enough
To the point where words didn't matter
You didn't need to ask why
Because you already knew
You didn't need to speak
Because we both knew what you wanted to say
Words weren't needed
Because we understood each other well enough to not need them

And now I'm sitting at the same spot
Crying my heart out
Knowing that you'll never come and sit next to me
You'll never hear my silent screams
But this time I'll tell you why I'm crying
It's because I lost the one good thing in my life
I lost you

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