Not labeled

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I refuse to be labeled
A heterosexual or a homosexual
I am who I am
Why would I need a label
In order to live on this world
Aren't I a human after all?
Don't we all have a heart?
We're all the same
So why would it matter who I am
Or who I like
I refuse to be labeled
It's not because I'm embarrassed
It's because I am comfortable
I know who I am
I know what I like
But I don't need a label
I don't need a category
I am a human
Just like you
And that is enough of a label as it is
So don't label my sexuality
I'm sick of how the world treats us
Like we're a piece of clothing
Their need to label everything that walks on this earth
Why can't I just be me
Without labels
Without the pressure to be 'normal'
I am who I am
Whether you like it or not
I don't hold a label to my sexuality
It's not your job to label it either
And at the end of the day
It isn't really your business now is it?

A bit of a shitty piece but suck it up ;)

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